Love driving: We study the rules of sex in the car


Sex in the car has not been issued for a long time, and nevertheless, many lovers of such intimate diversity are faced with various inconveniences and often fall into unpleasant situations, for example, when unreasonable viewers are nearby. What is it worth bothering if you are quite often practicing car romance? We will tell.

The main thing is purity

Crumbs, sand, candy and other river items, although they will make a variety of intimate life, but not at all that you were counting on. If you know that in the near future the likelihood of a pleasant pastime in the car, thoroughly spend all the seats, remove any items that in theory may be between you with a partner and deliver extremely unpleasant sensations.

Organize comfortable place

Of course, sex in the car themes and attracts that you are in inconvenient conditions, thereby exacerbating all the feelings, and yet take care that there are plaids or small pillows in the car if you are planning a sex marathon. In addition, the pads may be needed if you suffer from joints - soften the process.

We follow the following rules

We follow the following rules


Think out "Onions"

If you know that today you will definitely delay in the car, do not overload your image with extra details and do not wear things that will not be easy to remove in a narrow space. Skinny jeans and pants from hard material will accurately give more problems than the dress. But when choosing dresses with skirts, do not stop on too dense and narrow options - do not complicate your life and partner, especially if there are not much time.

Napkins and water - Must Have

We will be frank - after sex it is often necessary for both small, but cleaning. Especially in the event that you use additional lubrication. To always be ready for a sudden manifestation of feelings in an unusual setting, always keep a bottle with clean water and napkins (wet and dry) at hand.

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