Choose shoes on a flat sole


"Feminine and attractive image necessarily implies high-heeled shoes!" - Person says the mind. And so, the ranks of the girls of all ages who know how to defile on the heel and no, with healthy legs and with problems, in the morning, day and evening, to work and in the store are fused on peculiar stilts, feeling obliged to "suffer in the name of beauty" ...

Without a doubt, women's legs in elegant shoes or stiletto sandals look Divinely long and seductive. True, alas, often this impression can be supported only in a stationary position: sitting or standing. It is only worth starting to move, like bent knees, a hard step, ulusional shaking can destroy all charm ... Of course, if it is only in the inability to hold on, it is fixable: workouts in front of a mirror, a couple of lessons in more experienced friends - and the case is done! However, often high heels are contraindicated for other reasons: for example, medical. Or such shoes becomes inaccessible due to work associated with a large number of movements. What to do then? Search an alternative on a flat run in the selected style!

Ballet shoes. If you are a lover of feminine and elegant things, you are not an alien aesthetics of classics, but you are trying to bring the shades of your individuality in all the outfits, then this type of shoe is for you. The main rule: ballet shoes should be of sufficiently hard material to tightly fix the foot and do not get into the heel. Basic styles: romantic, elegant, urban chic.



Moccasins. Convenience for you above all, but you do not want to sacrifice beauty and originality? Moccasins will allow you to experiment to experiment with color and invoices, without refusing to yourself the pleasure that long unhurried walks ... Important: Moccasins are shook only on bare leg. Socks, golf, tights are not allowed. Basic styles: Casual, Smart Caushal, ethnic, natural.



Topsiders. Shoes of yachtsmen and their bold girlfriends. The spirit of freedom, adventurism, creativity - this is what they will give. Great to relax on the coast, when sea walks are replaced by hiking excursions. Basic styles: marine.



Slippers. Comfort under a different angle: the eyes of the rugged aristocrats. At your disposal - velvet and embroidery, saturated "royal" colors and absolute confidence in its irresistible. By the way, these are unisex shoes, so you can purchase similar (or even the same!) Slippers for yourself and your second half to create a current Family Look (an image in a single style with similar details for all family members). Basic styles: urban chic, prepped, elegant.



Oxfords and Lofer. Need elegant seriousness and professionalism? We choose Oxfords or Lofer. Ideal - with trouser costumes, jeans, office shorts. But you can experiment with dresses! Basic styles: elegant (classic), Garson, Smart Caushal.



As you can see, you can find a solution for any style task as within the image of the shoe shoes on the heel, and preferred a comfortable pair in a flat run. The choice is yours!

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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