Diet: What are the useful seasonal fruits?


When we hear about the blueberries, it immediately recalls her ability to keep eyesight and cure it. However, this berry has also many other beneficial properties. The main wealth of blueberries is antioxidants, it is thanks to them that a berry is a good tool for the prevention of cancer. In addition, it is rich in carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. It also has organic acids, sodium, copper, iron and other minerals. In addition to said vitamin C, in blueberries there are vitamins B1 and B6, vitamin RR, as well as pantothenic acid. Among other things, the blueberry is rich in pectins, which are capable of purifying the intestines from the decomposition products, slag and salts of heavy metals.

Another summer and super-useful fruit is fragrant and sweet apricot. It is considered a good polyvitamin fruit containing a large number of potassium salts and a lot of iron. Apricot does not lag behind other berries and fruits on the content of vitamin C, folic acid and carotene. Apricots are used in medicinal diet in cardiovascular diseases, as a source of easily durable potassium. And their mild ability is used in the treatment of constipation.

Another delicious berry is raspberry. It is rich in vitamins group B, contains vitamin C, A, E, RR, useful minerals and folic acid. Raspberries are useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it improves digestion, the work of the kidneys and removes the edema of the bladder, has an antipyretic, anesthetic and campphic agent, warns leukemia and anemia.

No less useful and cherry. Dark red, almost black cherries are considered the most valuable varieties, as they have the best tasteful qualities, writes a female portal Sunny7. Cherry contains glucose and fructose; Sugarozes in it, unlike other bone, significantly less, from here and specific sour taste. It is rich in pectin and organic acids. It has iron, copper, folic acid. According to the high content of ascorbic acid, the vitamins of the group B, mineral substances, it is not inferior to other berries. By the content of kumarins - substances that reduce blood clotting, the cherry takes the third place after the pomegranate and black currant.

The earliest bone fruit is, perhaps, a cherry. Fruits of sweet cherries contain proteins, carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose and glucose), fiber, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, provitamin A, vitamins B1 and B3, vitamin RR, vitamin C. relatively much in cherry of copper, manganese, zinc, Cobalt, iron, as well as vitamin R. The cherry has antino, diuretic, vesselinturing, choleretic, counter-alememic properties. Cherry juice improves digestion, has knitting and tonic properties.

The earliest and most delicious berries that the end of the spring pleases - the beginning of summer is strawberries and strawberries. These berries are an excellent agent for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as an antimicrobial and natural diuretic. The strawberry contains tubyl substances that strengthen the gums, as well as active substances (kumarins), contributing to the prevention of thrombosis. In the strawberry berries, there are many iron, manganese, copper, folic acid and vitamin C. Strawberry - the most fragrant and delicious forest berry. It is rich in vitamins of a group B, folic acid, carotine and especially ascorbic acid. It also has salts of iron, cobalt and manganese.

Giving fruit and berries to your child, it is worth remembering that they are most useful in natural form - fresh, raw and, if the peel or skin is edible, then crude. But do not get drunk and remember - everything is good in moderation. Children aged 1 to 3 years are recommended for 100-200 g of fruit and 20-50 g of berries. Children of preschool age are encouraged to receive 200-300 g of fruits and berries per day, in an exemplary ratio: fruit - 100-150 g, berries - 100-150 g.

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