How dogs lived on the set "Return of Mukhtar"


Four-legged stars ...

When in 1964 the film "To me, Mukhtar!" About the devotional service police ps, Kickchik Mukhtar became incredibly popular with dog owners. In addition, together with the release of the film in the USSR, fashion went on Eastern European Shepherd. So when in the 2000s, Russian producers conceived to remove the new series about the dog, which helps to disclose crimes, no one had any doubts: Mukhtar should call the main character, and the series will name "Return of Mukhtar". So it happened.

How dogs lived on the set

Photo: Studio "2B".

The first dog that could fulfill the role of four-legged policeman, was looking for quite a long time. After all, it was supposed to play her the song of the very Eastern European breed, which in our time was not so common. However, the actors still found dogs. In the first seasons of the series, Eastern European shepherds were filmed, the Vargun and Duncan brothers, which were selected as a result of casting from 150 dogs of Moscow and Moscow region. They replaced each other on the set and worked in the series for about two years.

After the production of a multi-sized film was transferred to Kiev, only German shepherds began to play the role of Mukhtara. Over the next year, the head of Tsey was filmed in the role of the main character. Since it was a calm and already an elderly dog, in scenes, where Mukhtar was needed to perform power tricks, Tseis dubbed the sons, Zeus and Best. After the death of Zeis, his brother was filmed in the series two years old, a dog named Wax von Weisrodland Kirchenthal, whom the entire film crew called just Vasya. Vasya was distinguished by a cheerful and sociable character and instantly conquered everyone on the set. I replaced Vasya Dog Yaks (homepacker - Kuzya), who played in the series since 2008 and missed only one shooting period when he duplicated the dog prime. But the new hero came to his place. In 2012, Yaksa, who was already a grandfather for dog standards, was carried out with honors to a well-deserved pension. And instead of him, a new shaggy actor appeared in the series - Graf Schuns Hund. This dog from the cynological center really served in the police. Before the filming in the series on his account there were 57 trips as Nyukhach and 19 disclosed cases. The dog quickly adapted on the set, began to respond to the nickname of fly and lick the actors every morning in greeting.

How dogs lived on the set

Alexander Nostera and the very first executor of the role of Mukhtara - Eastern European Shepherd Dog named Vargun. Photo: Studio "2B".

... and their partners

Natalia Junnikova, the performer of the role of Vasilisa, says that, despite the constant rotation of dogs, who are played by Mukhtar, there was no difficulties in meeting newcomers. Even despite the fact that it does not feed dogs, because the kennels are forbidden. "I just come to them every day, I stroke," the actress shares. - I had no unpleasant moments with them. Yes, and in general I can not name the shooting in the series. I am pleased to go on the platform. "

Alexander Nostek, who played in the series Artem Kolosov, recalls that the first performers of the role of Mukhtara, Duncan and Vargun shepherds were dogs of ordinary owners. But the next actor, Zeys, brought up a real border guard cinologist named Sasha. "From the point of view of the dresser, it was a very powerful dog," nose shares. "But the dogs were not filmed because of money, their masters had enough only to feed and on gasoline to bring pets to shoot. Just the owners of the animals really wanted to see their favorites in the movies. "

Oksana Stashenko (the role of forenswhelspert Jeautets Petrovna Rural) said that the veteran of the veteran Yaks loved the chicken very much. As soon as the shooting of the scene has ended with his participation, the dog knew exactly that from everyone who was with him in the frame, who he looked at and whom she gave a paw, exactly get a piece of chicken. After the command "Removing!" He went around everything in a circle and necessarily took the remuneration. And if someone from the actors by this time was already leaving, I found them out among others and still demanded your piece, while having measured him with an urchorized look, they say: "Nothing is not ashamed?" However, since the actors should be in good shape, the PSA did not particularly overwhelm. In the morning he eaten low-fat cottage cheese, day - boiled chicken, and in the evening - dry food. A week Yaks could eat up to 2 kg of chicken breasts.

How dogs lived on the set

Natalia Junnikova and Vax, playing Mukhtara, very quickly found a common language on the site. Photo: Studio "2B".

Count - the second in the account of the dog, with whom Alexey Szitov works, the executor of the role of Maxim Zharov. Before the shooting began, he and Count gave time to get used to each other. The week they lived in the same apartment, Alexey walked the new "partner" and besides the feed, who was transferred to the dogs, prepared him meat. It helped them to establish contact: the count looked at him with adoration. "The dog, who is not spoiled by the human caress, at first, simply disadvantaged from the amount of attention and love that the film crew gave him," says Alexey. - At the beginning of the day he ran to everyone, substituting the back for scratching. But it continued until the dog faced the difficulties of production, and this is a lot of doubles and a 12-hour working day. So now in the eyes of the count there is no longer former joy. It is sad that he is unlikely to be able to return to work in the police, to real assistance to people. But let I do not right! "

By the way ...

The most famous overseas colleague of our Mukhtar is the German Shepherd Dog nicknamed Rex, the main character of the one-name series "Commissioner Rex". The name "Commissioner Rex" became nominal and used throughout the world primarily to designate a service dog. In fact, six different dogs played the role of Rex.

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