How to cope with headache


Headache is able to knock out the rut for a long time. How to navigate and help yourself? If a person suddenly began to feel the smells, sharper see and better hear, most likely he starts the migraine. This is the strongest pain in one half of the head. At the peak of migraine, her victim dreams only about one thing - lie without movement in a dark room. Antispasmodics are useless here, much more efficiently medicine with tryptan, but the main thing is to have time to take them at the very beginning of the attack. It is worth abandoning red wine, smoked, old cheese and chocolate: they provoke migraine. Another torture is a headache of a voltage that covers the entire head. Its reason is the wrong post, in which a person is forced to be long (for example, at a computer). This contributes to the violation of blood flow. When such a headache appears, immediately accept aspirin or ibuprofen. And subsequently do not join the desktop. The third variety is a cluster headache - perhaps the most painful. She pierces her head in the area of ​​the eye, temple and can be accompanied by abundant tearing. Triptans and oxygen inhalations are helping to stop the attack.

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