Tale with your own hands: decorate the house for the new year without excess spending


2020 became heavy for everyone - and with emotional, and from a financial point of view. However, global crises and jumps of currencies are not a reason to deprive themselves of the new year. And start, of course, you need from the design of the house - after all, it creates a festive mood to us. You should not worry if the pandemic hit your pocket - I picked up the options for the New Year's decor, to which you do not have to spend.

From the subwoofers

You can start with windows. Snowflakes and New Year figures - one of the most popular options for the New Year's decoration of the apartment. Stencils can be cut out by itself, and special snow in the canopy can be replaced with ordinary toothpaste - dive it with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, and then apply to the window along the stencil or just a sponge around the perimeter of the glass. It turns out windows in the snowdrifts.

What new year without correct lighting? Candlesticks can also not be bought, but to use old glass jars instead, putting them with a tiny score or color ribbon - it turns out very authentic and Scandinavian. Inside, you can put a heating candle or LEDs.

By the way. Any ordinary white warming candle, rided slightly above the middle of a red, green or gold ribbon, looks very festive.

Empty glass jars can be used as a candlestick

Empty glass jars can be used as a candlestick

Photo: pexels.com.

Decorating the rooms themselves are optionally expensive statuette and purchased decorations. The atmosphere of the New Year's forest is perfectly transmitted to the huskie and cones, which can be found in any forest park area. They will give a unique fragrance.

Garlands can also be made independently - from the usual foil. Cut the sprockets, balls, snowflakes - anything, and then stick to any strong thread. Such garlands look great on the windows, as the foil reflects the sunlight, the endless sunny bunnies on the room.

Another option of the New Year's decor is balloons from the threads. Made very simple. The basis is taken by several inflated (to the diameter you need) balloons. They are cooked with oil or vaseline. You will also need a thread motility that are impregnated with PVA glue (some add crash glue - for greater density). Next, threads are tight - or not very - the balls are wrapped, the designs are allowed to dry, and the balls are then blown away. You also have the elements of the decor, which can be simply added to the vase, decorate the rooms or the Christmas tree.

Edible decor

Orange slices - a decoration that has become very popular in recent years. Someone connects it with the developing movement of eco-activists, others - with fashion for all natural. Be that as it may, orange dried slices really create the atmosphere of comfort and holiday in the house. Dry orange slices better on parchment paper not on the battery itself, but about it - they will better retain their shape and color. By the way, they can be decorated with a Christmas tree.

Cinnamon and fir branches will create a festive atmosphere and fill the house by New Year's flavors

Cinnamon and fir branches will create a festive atmosphere and fill the house by New Year's flavors

Photo: pexels.com.

Another New Year's favorite edible decor - of course, cinnamon sticks. This fragrance is invariably associated with the New Year, winter gatherings and happiness. Many decorate cinnamon and christmas chopsticks. However, this option is suitable only for artificial trees - the branches of alive under the weight of the sticks can suffice. Alternative - Badyan. On the aroma, these aspects are similar to cinnamon, but less and lighter sticks. But wands can be used in another decor - for example, insert it into a candlestick or put in a dish along with dried orange slices.

And the most popular New Year's dish is gingerbread cookies. However, it can not only have it, but also use in the decor. Bake the little cookies in the molds on the New Year's topics, decorate with a colorful glaze and hang on the Christmas tree. Such decoration is especially likely to taste children - in all the senses of this word. Some make up garlands gingerbread and decorate their kitchen. But even just a dish with gingerbread without any jewelry, put on the table, invariably creates a festive atmosphere.

Non-standard approach

If your house has no room for a full-fledged Christmas tree, there are a lot of replacement options. Designers of interiors have long strive for minimalism, so the solution to this problem will not only save place and money, but also become a stylish accent. After all, the Christmas tree in the classical understanding is already optional - it is important to simply designate its presence. This can be done with a garland, attaching it on the wall in the form of a Christmas silhouette. Also, on the wall, you can post the Christmas tree with New Year's balls and toys. The most creative is nourished in the size of the Christmas branches. Ordinary boards or branches on which the balls are fastened, or and at all are wrapped with green threads a high cardboard cone - which is not a designer solution.

The traditional Christmas tree can be replaced with the original interior accent

The traditional Christmas tree can be replaced with the original interior accent

Photo: pexels.com.

Well, if there is still a tree, it can add it ... Fireplace. More precisely, Falsimin, because we are looking for budget sections. The folk craftsmen "build" a fireplace portal from cardboard boxes, which are then glued with paper and color - in one color or with imitation of brickwork. Of course, the functionality is limited, and the burning candles are forbidden to put in such a portal, but it is possible to use as an element of decor.

And still do not forget that the new year and Christmas are family holidays. And this is the most important thing. So why not use photos from loved ones for festive decoration? The original idea of ​​the decor is to print the pictures and use them instead of Christmas decorations. Another option is to replace the selection of family frames. Traditional Christmas wreath. Just glue the photo in the shape of a circle and glue the cape for a tape.

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