Master class: "High-speed secrets" of harmony


Of course, beauty is a very subjective concept. But "This is its custom: Beauty is always right!" - said Zahir Babur, the Timurid ruler of India. And in the opening season, the importance of general well maintenance and physical training becomes especially obvious. If you have gained extra kilograms for the winter, there is a good reason to update the wardrobe. And you can simply add, returning to the "desired size" for the shortest possible time.

Pulling hips; Raising coordination

Pulling hips; Raising coordination

Secret 1.

"Building Material" - meals. If you want to lose weight quickly, you need to eat less than spend calories in the course of life. The opinion of the doctor of our team of experts Anastasia Chavdar: "The received food should, taking into account its digestibility to replenish the human energy costs.

Master class:

Anti-gravity. Removing the status of "tired back"

With regular exceeding the daily energy value (caloric content) of food over the cost of energy, the amount of fat deposited in the body increases. That is, each person needs an individual set of components of the diet (diet - a portion of food for a certain period), which meets the individual characteristics of its metabolism. "

Pad in hammock. Allows you to hold the correct posture when performing technically complex exercises

Pad in hammock. Allows you to hold the correct posture when performing technically complex exercises

Secret 2.

"Hormonal Set". This is not only the age status of slow metabolic processes due to hormone defuses, but also a genetic predisposition, as well as a change in the life of the lifestyle (I would not like to apply the term "disease").

Extraction of the inner surface of the thigh

Extraction of the inner surface of the thigh

All this can be corrected by "reasonable" stress in the form of very competently built personally training programs.

Pull out the lateral muscles. Useful with a lumbar zone hyperlordosis

Pull out the lateral muscles. Useful with a lumbar zone hyperlordosis

The human body is configured to life, so it will start producing the right hormones with a reasonable physical stress! They will pull out fat from "stoves" and convert into energy. By the way, they will take care of immunite.

Pulling muscle rotators hands. Useful for shortness

Pulling muscle rotators hands. Useful for shortness

Tips from the coach:

• Do not tire your body and do not wear your joints running. Turn on the saturated power loads with a delay in the negative phase of movement at the end of the approach to the mitigation failure (1-1.5 minutes). On days free of workouts in the hall, go to the park areas by bike - at least once a week.

Basic exercise, bench grease from shoulders

Basic exercise, bench grease from shoulders

• Do not trust the fashion trends of various kinds of active walk. It is useful not to all people. I explain: with a modified or deformed foot (any kind of flatfoot, "bone" on your fingers, etc.) you can harm all the joints involved in spring functions.

Mahi Garyami, Basic Exercise

Mahi Garyami, Basic Exercise

Be and stay always beautiful, healthy and happy!

Slopes with weights, basic exercise

Slopes with weights, basic exercise

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