Time for parents: Do not miss a friend with each other?


The baby is very useful to periodically see how the favorite motley puts on the evening dress, folds the thing in a new fashionable clutch and goes on a date with dad. Good mood, new impressions and love of parents to each other - the atmosphere in which children will grow healthy and happy.

Many of us understand all this, but for some reason you feel the feeling of guilt, when you briefly leave babons or babysitters to stroll, visit the premiere in the theater or just sit in a cafe. Particularly responsible moms denied themselves in new clothes, believing that while they are on maternity leave, all the best should belong to only their children.

Such selflessness is a direct path to emotional burnout, that is, psychological exhaustion, which inevitably affects all spheres of life. Therefore, little joy must be allowed to themselves regularly. It is clear that time is a bit, you are busy, sometimes it seems that there is not enough energy, but you can pay a minute for a moment, brew delicious tea, look, for example, to the online store borsellino.ru and choose good gifts to yourself and the second half.

If the romance has long left the relationship, and all the conversations have become routine, it is worth a small walk in the places that are associated with excellent memories, expensive for both spouses. The weather should not interfere with your grand planners - you can always look into a warm, cozy cafe or in a restaurant with live music.

However, it is not completely and without a residue to dive into memories. You can come up with any new interesting tradition, together to dream, be sure to exchange compliments. Find a beautiful one in each other, share important thoughts, and each of you will become even better.

By the way, in no case do not hide where you were, referring to some important cases and obligations. Our Chadam should be known that parents need time to be with each other, which is in the relationship between a man and a woman, even when they became parents, there must be a place for the holiday only for two.

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