Mikhail Wheat: "My wife and I worried: Will love be played through the years of family life?"


Mikhail Wheat is only 26, and in his filmography 40 projects, most of which he played the main roles. And recently, the actor was on one film closure with his wife Lyubavi sinning ...

- Mikhail, you have a big filmography, does it mean that you rarely refuse roles?

- The actor is responsible for choosing a role. The fact that he plays carries the audience a certain promise, and this is not just a movie display on the screen. This is postponed in memory. Therefore, I would not like to play deep negative roles, input this energy in my frame. I would love to play a superhero and something from the classics.

- When do you work in such a hard mode, do you have time for yourself?

- time is disastrously lacking, and not only because of the graph. Moscow as a megapolis is always filled with meetings, communication, long distances. Therefore, you do not have time to read a good book, fully work out sports. I want to improve English, and if there were more opportunities to travel to English-speaking countries, I spoke on it as a native. We have a wife (actress Lyubava Greshinov. - Ed.) Napoleonic plans: We want to turn around the whole world to visit many countries. But there is not enough time, and do not coincide on the schedules. When one is free, the second works, you have to wait. As a result, we rest once a year. Learn a lot: Sport, self-improvement. But this is a question of self-discipline and the ability to properly distribute time. I believe that you can all have time.

Mikhail Whentic met with his wife, actress Lyubavi sinning, on the set

Mikhail Whentic met with his wife, actress Lyubavi sinning, on the set

Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail Wheat

- In the recent premiere of "Sergeka Casanov" with your hero, the talisman helped to seek the attention of girls. But you yourself somehow said that they would not like to have such an artifact. You probably have a secret, how to attract the attention of the opposite sex?

- Honesty! Absolute honesty and no possession. So you can attract not only a girl, but also to find friends and live happily. You always need to remain myself, nothing and do not depict any of myself. The mind, sense of humor, education and internal fullness is in the first place. The rest, external manifestations are secondary.

- What role does humor play in relationships?

- the most important. Thanks to laughter, you can escape, extend life, relationships and marriage. People with a good sense of humor are the same owners of a large intelligence. And when there is no sense of humor, it's scary! My wife has a stunning sense of humor, we can laugh together, mole all night, and this is the most expensive and important.

- In your opinion, how can you refresh feelings and do not succumb to Routine?

- If you understand that your feelings need to be refreamed, then this is an alarming bell. I wish not to bring before it! Let every day be as the first!

Mikhail and Lyubava dream a lot to travel, but so far because of the large amount of work, it turns out only once a year

Mikhail and Lyubava dream a lot to travel, but so far because of the large amount of work, it turns out only once a year

Photo: Personal archive of Mikhail Wheat

- How did it happen that in the actress Lyubava sinning you fell in love with work, although before that I studied with her in one institute?

- We were young, everyone has their own interests. And still looking back, I understand that we were wrong opinions about each other. For some reason, we thought about each other badly. And when it became possible to talk, see a true face and learn the inner world, everything fell into place. Probably, we needed to get experience and overcome the difficulties in order to appreciate the life and understand that you want to continue how to imagine a soul mate.

- Your relationship has begun on the set, recently you recently turned out to be on one movie clock. What emotions have experienced?

- In the first shooting, we just got acquainted and learned each other. There was also discomfort, and the feeling of joy at the same time is anxious delight. Recently, the second time for five years of relationship, we again starred together. This is a painting "wounded heart." Two main roles. They were madly surprised when they found out that both were approved by both. Played a love line. First experienced: whether it will be possible to play through the years of family life. But everything turned out. It was convenient. Wife is a wonderful partner, smart, talented. It turned out perfectly. I want more!

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