Yana Churikova: "On a diet, I become an evil, disgusting woman"


She began his telemarier back in the past century, and sometimes it seems that Yana Churikova concluded with his own age some very profitable treaty. For the TV presenter and the very busy producer Yana looks very fresh and young, and there is an explanation.

It so happened that the sport is associated with the loads that I am not recommended. For example, with knee loads. Therefore, in my life there is yoga. I am sure that any person is better to choose the lesson, which is likely, and the type of activity that suits. Once I was presented with a complete set of dive gear. It was the brightest and memorable gift in my life.

In my opinion, if there is a goal to lose weight, it is better to choose a gym. On the diet, I become an evil, disgusting woman. I work in the office and I can not be very thin and emaciated. I once tried the detox, that is, I sat all day on juices, then I came home, I ate the chicken entirely and do not regret it.

Yana Churikova - Excellent advertising active lifestyle

Yana Churikova - Excellent advertising active lifestyle

Photo: Instagram.com.

When you do not have enough information, the diet is evil. Someone considers calories, and for someone a diet means simply nothing. But when you refuse the useful and necessary products under the pretext of "buckwheat are carbohydrates, I will not eat it," you lose a whole set of important trace elements. The same with meat and a number of other products. Therefore, if you have to sit on a diet, then you need to clearly understand: that you exclude and for what you do. Now there are many special services in nutrition, but another thing is that it is expensive. Therefore, I, for example, I think that it is constantly using the services of such services - this is some kind of absolutely unrealistic task. I try to turn on my head itself. In addition, now such a number of information around - it's time for everyone to pump everything in this matter. Each woman should be a nutritionist herself and control their diet itself. I have no nutritionist if it were, I would probably have been three times three times.

We, women, so arranged: "I want ... Manka made - she has such a cool skin, I will try now too." Try! And understand whether it is necessary for you. Another thing is that hardware procedures are some kind of space price price. You look at him and think: okay, I'm a worker - I can accumulate and go. But the question is also needed, because this procedure may not come to you. Therefore, before you decide, you need to unambiguously go through many consultations. It is clear that the market is very saturated, the clinics of plastic procedures is an incredible set. It seems to me that they are even more than ordinary hospitals. Therefore, the best best in this market should survive. So you do not need to feed this industry thoughtless runners under the knife. But on the other hand: if you can no longer live with your nose and, if you fix it - the purpose of your life, well, do something with him. What if something will change in your head? Although, on the other hand, from the head, probably should begin.

She prefers dive with scuba, yoga, snowboard and even such a specific urban girl occupation like fishing

She prefers dive with scuba, yoga, snowboard and even such a specific urban girl occupation like fishing

Photo: Instagram.com.

I tried some cosmetology procedures. Something helped me, something - no. Sometimes it makes sense to try, but without tin. I can't come to the office the next day, in bruises, in brunt and some residual phenomena. And it also keeps me from rapid steps. (Laughs.) Imagine I come with bruises on the face to work, but everyone says to me: "Beats - it means he loves!" That's it really wants to avoid.

I turn on makeup removal. All the makeup, which see me in secular events, I will then wash off the hour. I have millions of all kinds of bubbles for this. And here I am not afraid to spend the required amount of funds. Especially since now, thank God, women who want to be beautiful, a whole palette of funds on any wallet is available.

Yana Churikova:

"I am sure that anyone is better to choose the lesson, which is like, and the type of activity that fits"

Photo: Instagram.com.

The best advice I received was from TV: "Your strength is ready for the oblast." This truth helps treat many things calmly. If we talk about where I draw my strength and energy ... I really liked the Kamchatka. It was so above my expectations that I did not even have time to figure out how I got there. It's not so easy to get there, and so I would love to go more often.

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