5 tips, how to return the brightness of clothes with infirred means


Tip №1

Your favorite dress instead of a noble black color has become somehow gray? On office pants White stains? You will help the usual spice, which is in every home - black peas pepper. Place the tablespoon seasoning in the drum of the washing machine and turn it on the rinse along with the affected things.


Pepper "will choose" soap from clothes


The uneven surface of the peas will work as sandpaper, removing the residues of the powder from clothing. Colors will be bright again.

Tip №2.

The usual cook salt has the same effect. For washing it is better to take a large, as for salting. It will prevent the penetration of soap into the fibers of the fabric, because precisely because of this clothing fades. With salt, she will bother as new.

Salt gives fabric shine

Salt gives fabric shine


Tip number 3.

Our grandmothers knew about the miraculous properties of vinegar - he makes woolen clothes with a soft, pleasant to the touch and not barbed at all. In addition, this acid is perfectly restored color. Only one tablespoon when washing, and you will refuse all expensive air conditioners for linen.

Vinegar will make clothes soft

Vinegar will make clothes soft


Tip number 4.

Lemon juice has a miracle property. It returns the brightness even to faded fabrics. Sick the citrus sink when rinsing, and get your favorite clothes in perfect condition and with a pleasant natural smell.

Lemon will give freshness

Lemon will give freshness


Tip number 5.

Return the color depth of dark clothing will help ordinary ground coffee. A glass of strong drink, add when washing to the drum, having previously convinced that the white shirt did not get there - spoil.

Coffee - Natural Dye

Coffee - Natural Dye


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