Talk to your loved ones!


Attentive readers and seekers interpretations of dreams have already studied their dreams along and across. A UNGIAN ANALYSIS, interpretation on Freud or Gestalt therapy for analyzing what you dream is. Dream content can push you into different reflections, but there is another property of sleep, which we did not speak about. It does not relate directly to the content of dreams, but it will be appropriate to tell about him.

It has long been known that sleep is a special susceptible state, no wonder there is a direction for learning foreign languages ​​in a dream. We perceive them then not logic, but remember the images, for this, the right hemisphere is responsible, and this is possible due to the fact that during sleep we sleep our innovation protection. We simply do not speak ourselves that "it is impossible", because the dream is a state in which you can perceive what there is no place for the daily life due to iron logic.

So, we can use the dream of another person in order to bring him what he does not hear in the heat of the quarrel or conflict.

The fact is that the position of its own right is an obsessed state. Not so easy to part with this right. People obsessed with some kind of idea capable of much, just to prove their point of view. Remember the active political propaganda or tips of the older generation for the education of children, or intact tips. Each aspect is important in them, everything is cleaned to the smallest detail, it is impossible to have their own position. Obsession is the state of the blind faith in the fact that something right is one thing, there should be no other position.

Obsession meets us often: in pathological love and faith that "without this person, I do not mile peace," or depending on nicotine and alcohol. No holiday costs without drinking. Try to offer just to talk - the most ardent chambers of a healthy lifestyle will throw on you and require alcohol. And what to talk about smoking. Best noticing themselves, they are engaged in searching for seats, time, count the number of cigarettes and the nearest possibility to delay. This is some more obsession! But this is not all: workolism, sports on slaughter, strict diets, diet on children, on own diseases and treatments ...

In this kind of states, our thinking is like riding in the tunnel. We do not notice anything that will someaches us from this direct and narrow-directional course. In such states, it is difficult for us to reach closest (or im - to us) and convey their experience, their needs and suggestions for any reason, unless they contribute to obsession.

By the way, the disease is also a certain obsession. As a rule, the disease develops as a stress response, psychological shock. But people do not treat it, but the consequences that we took on the body. In other words, obsession is manifested in medicines and treatments, instead of solving the initial problem.

And then sleep comes to the rescue. In deep sleep, we relax, control and obsession weaken. We are capable of perceiving the world without tough protection. Because you can speak with your loved ones when they sleep. Quietly sit down near and talk that you cannot convey to them in a state of wakefulness.

Here are some examples:

- Alcoholics children can speak with the parent about what is happening with them, as they suffer and experiencing what is happening, because in a state of intoxication, all this remains outside the borders of perception;

"Mother can speak a sick child that the disease will pass, he will cope and recover." What he is sick to survive some stress with which he did not cope with another way. For example, it fell ill, does not go to the garden, and in fact stress is that he reacts to a gap with her mother, as if she refused him. In fact, this is not the case, he matures, Mom loves him and fills contact with him in the evenings;

"You can talk with your husband about what worries if in the heat of ordinary quarrels everything ends equally and to no avail for both sides.

The most important thing during these conversations is to turn to the soul of a person not with the goal of getting his will, but for the benefit of him and his loved ones.

Try, experiment!

And I am waiting for examples of your dreams in the mail [email protected].

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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