Natalia Gulkin shared the recipes for weight loss


Fresh mushroom soup:

On 4 servings: 200 g of fresh champignons (600 kl), 100 g of the replied onion (43 kcal), 100 g of carrots (32 kcal), 100 g of carrots (32 kcal), 25 g of butter (187 kcal), 1 potato - 50 g (40 kcal), 20 g of greenery (10 kcal), 500 g.

Champignons are carefully wash, then finely cut. Carrots wash, clean and cut. Carrots and mushrooms are boiled in salted water for 20 minutes. Then in the soup add chopped potatoes, the bow is boiled for another 15 minutes, put the bay leaf, salty. After the soup is removed from the fire, butter and sliced ​​greens are added to it.

Calorie of one portion: 80 kcal

Stuffed zucchini:

On 8 servings: 500 g of zucchini (135 kcal), 100 bite (43 kcal), 500 g of carrots (165 kcal), 40 g of parsley and dill (16 kcal), 1 tbsp. Spoon sour cream (50 kcal).

The zucchini is cleaned from the core and seeds, cut in half. In the middle of the carrots are extinguished with the sliced ​​onion, the mass is put in the middle of the zucchini, poured with hot water, extinguished. After readiness sprinkled with greens.

Calorie of one portion: 49 kcal

Buckwheat porridge with mushroom sauce

On 6 servings: 200 g of dried mushrooms (429 kcal), 100 g of the onions, (40 kcal), 90 g of buckwheat porridge (500 kcal), 1 tbsp. A spoon of cream oil (187, 5 kcal), 20 g of flour (80 kcal).

Dried mushrooms are soaked in water until the form returns, then they give water to the water and the finely cut. After which the mushrooms are boiled. The onions are cut, slightly roasted and added to mushrooms, poured with a small amount of water, flour, boil to thickening, hindering. They boil buckwheat porridge, a mushroom sauce is added to it, a laurel sheet and bring to a boil.

Bean Salad:

30 g of boiled beans (90 kcal), 50 g of onions of the onion (22 kcal), 30 g of boiled beef (47 kcal), ½ boiled egg (40 kcal).

Beans wash and boiled, give a stance of water and put into a salad bowl, add chopped onions, meat, chopped with small cubes, sliced ​​eggs, salted, pepper, refuel by mayonnaise.

Calorie by 100 g: 192, 5 kcal

Salad from radish

On 3 portions: 100 g of radish (16 kcal), ½ boiled eggs (40 kcal), 30 g of greenery (10 kcal), 1 tbsp. A spoon of mayonnaise (167, 5 kcal).

Redishes wash, cleaned with circles, put in a salad bowl. The egg is boiled, cleaned and cut half, which rubbed on the grater. Mix the components, poured mayonnaise, sprinkled with chopped greens.

Calorie 100 g: 70 kcal

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