Why men change in long relationships


Treason of a loved one is always unpleasant, and in some cases simply catastrophically for family relationships. The most discerning, when the husband changes, the head of the family with whom he lived together for many years. What makes a man change in long-term relationships?

It should be understood that treason is different. It is not worth putting the sign of equality between the random hoping at a corporate festival or in the sauna and the appearance of a constant mistress, which claims to grow in the heart and in the mind of a man. In the first case, treason can happen completely by chance, for example, under the influence of alcohol or simply from the desire to "try something new." In the second case, the situation is much more difficult.

To begin the relationship with the mistress of a man makes not so much "polygamy", how much the presence of certain problems in the family. First of all, these are psychological problems. Over time, the feelings between the spouses are dulled, the wife begins to be perceived by a man rather as an abstract relative, and less attracting it in sexual terms. If there are constant conflicts in the family in the family, or the spouses are generally indifferent to each other, the soil for treason is almost prepared, and the appearance of a mistress is only a "work of technology".

Do not equate random treason and permanent mistress

Do not equate random treason and permanent mistress

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

In a relationship with the mistress, a man can look for what is missing at home, with his wife. And this is not only not so much sex or a young body as mutual understanding, sympathy. We may seem amazing, but many husbands change by no means with young beauties. Quite often, the mistresses become the ride, or even women a little older. It is they who are able to understand most of the man who tired of monotonous family life. In addition, for many men, the feeling of novelty, the most joyful feelings of love, which were characteristic of the early stages of communication with the future wife are very important. With a mistress, a man seeks to survive these sensations again, satisfied himself with positive emotions.

A distinctive feature of male voting from female is that most men still remain in families (of course, if the wives did not know about the treasures or closed their eyes on them), relations with mistresses for them are no more than an adventure. And if your man "pulls to the left", then before starting the conflict, it is better to think about what the causes of his dissatisfaction with everyday family life can be.

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