Oleg Gas: "Unites no joy, but difficulties"


Oleg Gaas from the first minute of communication gives the impression of an open and good-natured person. At the same time, a perfect boy: gambling, hooligan, desperate. In general, he is real, with some correct concepts of good and evil. And his heroes are the same real, even if there is a slightly spiny and stubborn, as, for example, the operative of Kim Vershinin in the participated viewers of the historical detective "SIFR". And now the audience can see the actor in the picture of Mikhail segal "deeper!" - About the life of porn industry. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

"Oleg, you told that the profession came by chance, walking in Peter and looking towards the theater Institute. But you seem to do in the theatrical circle?

"Yes, we had a circle at school, and in the tenth grade, a teacher in literature advised me to go there. I came, saw some girls, but remained. (Laughs.) We prepared something for the new year, then to the eighth of March. And I noticed that the teachers are taught, and the estates rise. (Smiles.) And most importantly, it tightened me. I wanted to get into Comedy Club, because you mix the viewer and immediately get a response. Then I realized that I need to deal with something more serious, and for this you need a theater institute. I did not believe that I would do: I don't sing, I don't dance, I don't know how to break anything with all the skills for several years. Yes, and parents were against, father especially. He commended only when he saw me in the first film.

- What do parents do?

- Mom - merchandel, and Pope had her own business, although he was without higher education, from the village and he himself achieved. Such a real man. Theater is not close to him at all.

- Initially, did you go to Peter to enter the Faculty of Economics?

- Yes, and it's funny: a classmate that fills the list with an additional subject for the exam, accidentally entered into my surname "Literature". I just did not know what to choose. Thought: "And okay." It was useful! Mom believed that you need to get a serious profession. Like, learning in the theater university is interesting, and then what, how to feed the family? Mine girlfriend, aunt Galya, who lived in Peter, all the time persuaded me to come there on courses, but I also changed six schools, did not want. And when we, together with her and my mother, already arrived in Peter, went to watch the apartment to take off, and passed by the building on Mokhovoy, Aunt Galya said: "Here you could learn." I look: around some interesting shaggy guys in sweaters. I say: "No, no." And she: "Why? Go, try! "

Oleg Gas:

"With my mother, we are friends. Whatever enough, unite difficulties, not joy. My parents divorce is hard, and there was only ten years later. I experienced, coped"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- So, listened to her?

- Yes. We go in, I am asked: "Do you come?", I say: "No", and the battle aunt Galya instead of me: "Yes." "Do you sing, dance?" I answer everything negatively. Then they: "Well, surprise the commission at least something." They said to learn four fables, four poems, four reversal from prose. I had something in my head from school, but a little. I climbed into the books, Midnight taught, but in the morning, waking up, I realized that I remember anything. At the institute, I was given a blank where my repertoire needs to enter. I looked into the blanks, already filled with other guys, and there - both Rogozhin, and Hamlet, and Mozart ... who is such a Mozart, I knew about it, but there was no idea about Rogozhin. (Laughs.) I was embarrassing that I wrote only the "Boy and Snake", Pushkin and Pasternak. From prose, I prepared a monologue of Vaskov from the story "And the dawns here are quiet ...". I come to the consultation: "Hello, I am Gaas Oleg." They: "Are you stuttering?" "No, I just have two 'a" surname. " They ask to start with fables, and here I understand that she flew out, quite. I say: "Sorry, please, I forgot my fables." In response, silence, then: "Let's another." And I: "I have it alone." They are shocked: "Well, re-jump in your own words." And then I was incurred, nothing left of Krylov. I remember someone from the commission laughed. Then I read poems, jumped, yelling ... when I sat down in place and began to listen to other applicants from my dozen, then I realized what they were all talented. Suggested who would take. We were told to wait outside the door. I did not doubt that I failed, I said goodbye with all the hopes and here suddenly hear: "Gaas". I decided that they announced someone of the dozens did not pass. It turned out, on the contrary. Missed immediately to the second round. There was a song and Capella (here I learned what it was), prepare a creative surprise, dance, in general, a lot of things in three days. And here is already a mother, coping with shock from what they missed me further, actively connected, found a tutor on dancing. A couple of times I went to her, but she whispered his mother in his ear: "I didn't do anything for a month."

- And what happened with singing?

"I was a commander of marching at school, and we often sang" Soldiers go to the city. " I decided: this is my crown, I will act accurately with her. I come to the second round, they sing everything, play on the tools, and as I trembled: "There is a soldier around the city ..." I was quickly interrupted, asked the following. I remembered only from the pioneer camp of the song about paratroopers. I am asked: "Did you return from the army?" Then the Jewish dance was dance, it was funny, with my German surname. I come in the evening on the announcement of the results, a thousand applicants. And again, my last name was named, and other fainted fell that they were not announced, so much prepared ... Further the third round, Colloquium, interview. Then I thought what exactly cure, because I read little. The guys go out, they say that they asked: "Who do you want to play?" I became convulsive to remember which heroes there are in the books that I did not read: Chatsky, Lopahin, Hamlet ... (Laughs.) I go - and suddenly someone from the commission: "What do you know how to cook?" I told in detail how "Dashirak" in a special vary. They listened carefully, but then they still asked what I want to play. Well, I gave the whole list. (Laughs.) As a result, I enrolled on the budget in the workshop of Arvid Mikhailovich Zelanda. I called my father, said: "I entered theatrical," he only replied: "It is clear." Then every six months I wanted to leave there.

- Why?

- doubts overcame. Maybe because at school is used to be the first to be, and here and without me a gathering of leaders and talents. In general, I did not believe in myself.

- After the "cipher" confidence appeared?

- appeared earlier, but not self-confidence. I understand that it is necessary to constantly develop, grow. In our profession, crazy competition. The actor needs the theater: working with a large director, you grow. Now rehearsing with Sergey Vasilyevich a woman and I understand that I am again a freshman. (Smiles.)

Oleg Gas:

"At first, the filming was tight. Even leaflets once distributed near the metro station" Vladimirskaya "to earn a ticket to Moscow"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- How did you move to Moscow?

- After the Institute, I was shown in MDT to Dodin and Moscow theaters. I tried to the cinema, I was approved by the "Favorite Teacher" series. He starred there, but then the shooting was tight. Even leaflets once distributed in a watermelon costume in St. Petersburg near the Vladimirskaya metro station, to make a ticket to Moscow. Wound there and forth, walked on theaters. My friend Sasha Kuznetsov worked then in the MHT and helped sign up for display. I began to call classmates, asked to play in a passage to me, I heard "no" in response. But when he said that in the MHT, they could immediately. (Laughs.) Played an excerpt from "Seagulls". Konstantin Bogomolov, Alexander Milk, Victor Ryzhakov and Olga Semenovna Henkina, Assistant Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. Then we went to the cafe with classmates, and then she calls: "Oleg, come." I resort, and I propose to participate in the laboratory, in the play "Lech". I go to the rehearsal - scary: MHT, Mastodonts ... But the director "Lehi" was Daniel Chashin, a young guy from Tyumen. I thought: both of the Siberia we will come down. He asked: "Lower break dancing?" I immediately remembered my problems with my back, but I said that I would depict anything. And on this day I had a heel from anything. I did not immediately notice, I went to Peter to the voice acting, and in the train began to fever me. The next day, the pain was already insufficient, I even called "ambulance". I was taken to the hospital, and they said that the heel should urgently cut.

- What happened?

- Unclear. I began to refuse the operation, because after it you need to lie in the hospital for a week, and I have MHT. They me: "You're crazy, I can walk to the dice, then amputation." I asked if it was possible to solve the question quickly. He said that it is very necessary. As a result, they still agreed to open the heel without anesthesia. I am all the pillow, on which I lay, absorb, as in the war in the hospital, probably. Then there is absolutely no, with a temperature, on one leg, pushed into a train. The leg is unbearable, not to fall asleep. I arrived in Moscow, put into one hospital, to another, do not accept me, because the policy is not. The third hospital has already called my sister. Hospitalized, decided to make an operation. The doctor said that a month or two I should live without exercise, and I have "Lech", and there my hero is on the treadmill ... I caught a rehearsal on crutches. Jumping, jumping on the rope, poured blood from the sneakers, and so everything is fine. (Laughs.) Me in the MHT Medpopte is still called "Pyatkin", I went to the dressing towards them. Made this performance days for ten. I did not report, take or not. Only in six months, Olga Semenovna called and said that it was necessary to enter the play "With loved one, do not part" on a major role and this will be my check. After that, I was taken to the inverter group MHT.

- Arriving to Moscow, where lived?

"I had a girl, she lived." Then he shot an apartment.

- Lit money for life?

- I used to spend carefully, so it was enough. It is better to postpone the money, then to purchase something necessary. I do not like to spend on small joy, only if relatives.

- And now you take off the apartment?

- No, I have already accumulated on her. (Laughs.) Without mortgages and debts, of course, it was not cost, but the apartment in a good area. The house is true, old, and the apartment is tiny.

- Are you in everyday life? How important to you, so that the houses were clean, was it waiting for delicious food?

- Yes, it is important, I'm used to it, because I lived with my mother and was spoiled with it. But I'm not lazy, I love to vacuum, for some reason I have such a passion.

Oleg Gas:

"She caught on the crutches for a rehearsal. Jumping, rushing, blood from the sneakers poured. In the medical center MHT, I was called" Pyatkin ""

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- Are you alone in this little space?

- No, I and I and Zhenya Rosanova for the fourth year together this space inhabited. And the fiance, except for other excellent qualities, is very important - business.

- Are not married?

- Not yet.

- Is the stamp important for you?

- I think it is more important for a woman. And my mother, of course, is no longer against the grandchildren. (Smiles.)

- What are your relationship with my mother?

- We are friends. Many things have survived. Oddly enough, unite difficulties, not joy. My parent divorce was given hard, there was only ten years old. Survived, coped. With my mother we trust each other, every day we call up, chatting. My mother is an active Internet user, interested in the life of the stars, everyone knows everything: who married who divorced. He tells me, introduces to the case. (Laughs.) And the films, of course, looks, shares impressions, advises something. Mom for me is all.

- Are you satisfied, how is your professional career develop? And how does it develop from the zhenium?

- Career - Pretty Lucky sounds. I will not say that I am satisfied with everything a hundred, but the case is gradually moving. Played in Mikhail's film Segal "deeper!", He comes out at the end of October, and I believe in his success. And Zhenya is an atypical actress, she does not like parties, and unfortunately, it is there that a lot is solved. Zhenya is another, she is not interested in her. And she is right.

- After the "cipher" more offers appeared?

- "SIFR" is not a stage in my life, although I love this series. Summer last summer was crazy. Of the ten projects approved nine, and eventually starred only in two: in the second "ciffine" and in "deeper!". I was half a year in the series "Russian slave". Historical material, the main role, shooting in Turkey, fighting on swords. But the "cipher" fell on the same deadlines, and the producers of the First Channel defeated me "Russian Slave". But I got into the series "Rugby" - this is a sports drama. My character is the full opposite to me. Positive guy, but with negative charm. Unsupping, hard, lives according to the concepts, and even served in prison.

Oleg Gas:

"Zhenya is an atypical actress, she does not like parties. She is not interested. And we, unfortunately, it is there that is solved much"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- Are you at Rugby immediately approved or were competitors?

- As far as I know, they chose between me and another actor, but the director stood me. I do not know why. Maybe more on a rugby is similar.

- Did you do some sport?

- Swimming is quite serious, and so everyone is a little bit. Now I go to the gym from behind the back.

- What are you remembered for shooting in "deeper!"?

- All. For the first time, the shooting was a real joy for me, every day at the site with Misha Segal, Sasha Palem, any Axenova - a gift and happiness. I constantly invented something there, I offered Mishe, and he sometimes hesitated me, said: "You are either stopped, or go to the director."

- In the frank scenes participated?

- How else? This is a movie about pornotrust. But on the site, everything was extremely neat, we from any of the battered in the underwear and absolutely trusted the director.

- Do you have any hobbies, in addition to work?

- I almost all free time strengthen your back muscles. I go to Pilates, sometimes on yoga. With friends, too, of course, I meet. Now, in the theater after the rehearsals of the "Stalingrad trenches", we play table tennis with Artem Bystrov and Dane Glass, has already become a habit.

- What is most important for you in friendship?

- I have many buddies, and there are only two friends close friends. One in Omsk, the other in Moscow, is Nail Abdrakhmanov. A real friend is always with you - and when you are right, and when not right. He will always tell the truth in the eyes - it is important.

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