Do you send a child to a children's camp?


Summer home parent problem - where to attach a child? As followed by it, in time to feed, entertain and improve, if it is still very far from vacation, and he lasts, alas, not three months. Slight for three months in the village? Fresh air - yes, grandma pies - yes, cut off from the Internet - maybe, but what fun in the village is in the village, and will your child agree to spend three months in the wilderness?

Deliver to a school camp and tomorrow in the city? This option is the most economical: for your child proceed, invent the day classes will come up with him, they will take a tour of the museum, and no one has canceled the pleasure of communication with classmates. But with fresh air - the problem, and the food is not grandmother patties.

Send to cottage? Only if there is an indispensable grandmother, consonant to fight with a child on the topic: "Come off from the computer!", After all, now the cottage without the Internet is a rarity. All these options are good in small quantities: in the village or in the country there are fresh air and a family career, and in the city camp - communication with peers. But in the summer children's camp there is no shortage of anything else.

Although, of course, there is a "but".


1. "Stay if you want to be healthy ..."

The most important and most indisputable is nature. Never in the conditions of the city a little man do not get so much sun, heat and oxygen. For this, in principle, school camps in those distant years of the last century and wondered - to run, jump out and eat so much immunity so that the entire six-month Russian winter to endure and do not hurt.

2. "Next, above, stronger"

Of course, you will not leave the child a mobile phone in which there is something to play, what to read and something to chat, but the program of any summer children's holiday has a sport. Do not worry that even in the most interesting campaign, your offspring will not break away from his iPhone 5, - Believe me, the "Zarnitsa" is more exciting than any modern gadget, the basketball championship captures no less than a virtual "shooting", and song-dance competitions attract to No less attention than comic about Winx faces.

3. "... Everyone knows my family, there must be a day of the day"

Oddly enough, but the rise at 7:30, charging and nutrition is useful for the child. If the day is painted a minute, and every minute is interesting, then hated charging in joy. Therefore, do not regret the poor prune, which on the phone complains about the early rise, rapid dressing and mahi-legs with hands for half an hour, - the children are useful and enough eight hours of sleep.

4. "The child will disappear without us, the plane will fall on him!"

Hyperopka - Beach relations of fathers and children. Those dads and moms who grew up with the key on the neck and most of the day were spent away from working parents, "now try to force every step of our own chad. With my mother by hand to school, with dad - on the rink, ahead of the grandmother on tennis - a familiar picture. Of course, the parent motifs are clear, but as a result, the growing is postponed, uncertainty and fear of independence appear. In this sense, the children's camp is shock therapy. Yes, there are teachers, counselors and guards, as a whole, the child is granted to itself and no one indicates that it is necessary to achieve the soup, to read the chapter in the book or dress the socks warmer.

5. "You yes I yes and you and you"

Summer children's camp, like the school, is exactly the place where the child learns to contact with other people. If at school for several years a child learns that Ivanov is a friend, and Petrov should be avoided, then in the camp there are completely different conditions. For relatively short time (camp shift lasts from 15 to 24 days) a whole new life lives. It has enemies, friends and even beloved. But if the school offender of Petrov lives in the neighborhood and he has strict parents, the camp offset of Petrov, most likely lives in Sakhalin and is difficult to get to it. That is how your child learns to interact with the outside world: here it is necessary to show yourself, here to protect the other, and there to resort to diplomacy. The school camp with his strict hierarchy and new space is a good illustration that the world is not only parents, school and yard friends, that the world is big and very different.

6. "... Drumkruzh, circle by photo and I also sing hunting"

The last time my children returned from the camp with a wild desire to shoot from Luke. Preferably every day. Two times. Alena's neighboring girl, who was previously not interested in except for his acrylic nails, after two shifts in the Novorossiysk camp fell ill with the theater and now the leading actress of the drama in the former Poland of Pioneers, and the school hooligan Suslakov, sent by the teaching mother in a sports camp in the Moscow region, is now engaged in Aikido. In the world there are plenty of interesting activities, to attend which your child can refuse for any reason, including his own laziness. But try once in the circle of others will not refuse. New classes and skills: riding a horse or culinary lessons are always new opportunities.

7. "Here once Pushkin lived, Pushkin with Vyazemsky was friends ..."

In the school camp of my childhood, located in the highland forest area, excursions, respectively, were also only in the forest. One day was given to the collection of medicinal herbs, another game in "Find, which is hidden", the third - military campaign. Many years have passed, but I remember all this.

Now you can choose your child any excursion or provide a choice to him, but rest confident in one thing: even a trip to Disneyland in your company is still not as interesting as Dolphinarium in Novorossiysk surrounded by peers.


1. "Development of the legs stroke!"

The fact that after summer recreation is required to hand over the sadly famous analysis "On the eggstone", is still Polbie. In the first days of September, the school nurse checks schoolchildren on pediculosis. I do not want to scare you, but it is from the school camp of lice usually and bring. How to protect your child from this strong and straight home inhabitant, preferring clean and healthy (just like that!) Hair, I do not know. Probably it is impossible. It must be accepted that the Vershi is a common phenomenon that requires pretty expensive shampoos and creams and mother patience. In the extreme case, you can shave the affected head. Do not because of this, deprive the child of camp pleasures. The lice will pass, and impressions will remain.

2. "In a bad society"

Of course, there is a chance that after the short stay of homely in the circle of others, not so well-educated children - your relationship is somewhat ruin. For example, the son will start to hold. Or a daughter is a fifth hole in the ear and make three tattoo on the back. This probability, judging by the stories of the surrounding parents, is very big. Therefore, before sending a child from home, you need to "google" and search for parents who survived after their child's stay in this camp. However, only the summer camp is unlikely to blame this: the children are inclined to succumb to someone else's influence, but if the relationship in the family is benevolent and warm, then no child will save your child.

3. "Little boy burgers ate"

Unfortunately, spoiled stomach, gastritis and intestinal infection - ordinary "complications" of school holiday outside the house. In the pioneerlands of children fed an uncomplicated and low-fat food: a pesh and boiled egg in the morning, for lunch - soup on water and mashed potatoes with chicken, on dinner - Oladia and Kefir. Now most of the camps moved to the so-called buffet, and the lion's share of this table is fast food. Of course, there are expensive camps offering special menus, but in general the fast food will be the main food of the child. It is necessary to treat this philosophical: the stomach to be treated, and the homemade food is still tastier.

4. "secret from parents"

Any holiday of a child outside the house is spoiled nerves: did not answer the phone call, there were no news for three days, suddenly sick, suddenly rushed? The inability to control your child is a serious test for mom with dad. In this case, you need to stock up adult phone phones responsible for the rest of your child, and remember that you lived in camps while mobile phones were not, and there was one phone at all in the director's office.

Question price

The price of summer holiday begins from 15,000 rubles per shift and higher.

The most expensive camp of the Soviet Union "Artek" will cost you three times more expensive. Approximately as much as rest in Bulgaria.

Language camps are even more expensive. Thus, Oxford two-week English courses will cost a loving parent of about 2,000 pounds, the music camp in Massachusetts is $ 2,500, and the rest of the child under Berlin will go bankrupt you for 2,000 euros.

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