How to stop afraid of independence and start your own business


Dream to break out of a stuffy office and open your business? For a long time you want to work only on yourself and stop fulfilling the instructions of the authorities, but do not know where to start? Afraid that if you leave stable work, you can not make money at all?

Our fears are very often forced us to lose what we could find if they were not afraid. Doubts erase all sorts of prospects, do not give ideas to incarnate, pound a person in a tight framework, of which he is afraid to go out.

Fear prevents us from us. But where does he come from? And how to overcome it?

Anna Niga - a professional psychologist with 15 years of experience of individual counseling, certified leading group and training programs

Anna Niga - a professional psychologist with 15 years of experience of individual counseling, certified leading group and training programs

Let's deal with.

1. We always scare statistics.

Statistics are the collected quantitative data. Conditionally speaking, this is how "is happening for the majority." And this "Most" makes us give hands. After all, according to statistics, 90 out of 100 startups are dying in the first year. If this happens almost everyone, then it will happen and me?

In this case, just do not need to be equal to "all". Why are you so sure that you will have the same result?

Everyone has his own path. You can stand out from the total mass and become an exception to the "majority".

2. We are afraid to get out of the comfort zone.

A person is always scary to leave the space from the space, something to change in life. Especially if you vaguely imagine what awaits you further.

I'll tell you about my personal experience.

For more than ten years I successfully worked in the municipal psychological service. And with career growth, everything was just fine - I grew up from a simple psychologist to the head of the department. In the process of work, there was a tremendous experience (both client and coaching), many new knowledge, skills, but then felt that interest in working in the organization was lost, and I want to move on. At that moment I understood for myself that if now I was not "Rvan" from here, I can deceive here to a pension, but I appreciated myself as a specialist and did not want such fate.

Stable work always gives us the illusion of safety and reliability. Even if the work is low-paying. Every month you get about the same amount, you can plan your expenses. You do not need to worry that the money will "come" less or you will not earn this month at all.

Nevertheless, you are standing in place. You have no development.

Something new to start is always scary, but try to think about the future.

3. Girls are not inclined to risk. This is the prerogative of men.

A woman is a ceremony of a focus that is always taken care of neighboring. Because of this, we are more disturbing and more careful. We do not love to risk, it stops a lot.

Perhaps this is true. But here you can find a way out of the situation.

I would never have decided on any startup (and "Your Assistant in Life" is he is) if not my wonderful colleague, a psychologist and co-founder of the project - Vadim Kholtsov.

He helped collect the team of psychologists and coach, and also found our wonderful IT developer Boris Chramzov. And together with the team, I was not so scary to go into unknown swimming, start a new, master other knowledge and approaches.

4. Being an expert in his business is not enough.

It is necessary to master the methods of promotion, the basis of entrepreneurship. You can be a wonderful psychologist or experienced specialist, but startup is a small, but business.

And business is quite another.

You need to understand the market, your niche of customers, be able to formulate a value offer, know their competitors, develop advertising. All this requires the development of new, perhaps completely alien to you, knowledge.

But everything is real! Everything can be found, learning, analyzing, to understand everything. Just need to attach a little more effort.

So, if the work under whose leadership no longer brings any joy, and you have long dream of a startup, act.

Imagine what will happen to you in a few years, if you still have to work at this work. And then think about how your life can change if you open your business. I think you will feel the difference. Successes in new endeavors!

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