The most reliable pregnancy test


Sleep is our best lycakera. During the dream, our body and psyche restores, rest and recycle those events that happened to us during the day. Night rest allows our body to recover from daily stress. Approximately two thirds of the night. All our bodies pass their "reboot".

But not only that. Another third of the nights in dreams we treat mental wounds, resentment, suffering. Sleep opens our knowledge that is not available while in ordinary life. Our intuitive wisdom tells us of some events and deeds that are still inexplicable by ordinary logic.

In a dream, our body and the subconsciousness are tied as closely than during wakefulness. Therefore, sleep can also heal the pain physical.

And sometimes our dream turns out to be "prophet" because our soul knows much better, that with us and our body really happens.

Here is an example of such a dream:

"This dream dreamed of me just a few hours before I learned that I was waiting for a child. On the eve I did a test, but pregnancy was not confirmed. At night, I saw myself on a huge clearing, as if it was a round, very large globe - the globe.

There are a lot of people around me. Their billions.

I hear the voices around, whisper:

- It is not.

- He does not exist.

- It's all nonsense.

- Yes, I can accurately tell you that all this is a fiction!

I do not understand what these people are talking about, and that we are doing everything here. But I feel alarming and excitement. At some point I raise my head up and see the face of God, folded from the clouds.

It floats from top to bottom to me, approaching the ground.

I tell people who did not believe that it exists: "I know what he is!"

Waking up, I suspected that the test is lying.

An hour later I made a blood test, and in the evening I was called from the clinic and said that I was pregnant. "

With the analysis of such a dream cope is very easy.

Surroundings, facts, voices say that there is no "God." In a dream, "God" is an image of a powerful new process in the life of a dream: pregnancy and the birth of a child.

In a dream, she knows exactly what the surrounding reality is mistaken. Waking up, she tests this reality and it turns out right: its feelings are true.

This dream and a description of the author is a visual demonstration that our subconsciousness always sends us loyal messages about our experiences and tasks.

And the second conclusion is: to use them, it is important to interpret correctly - because our heroine dreamed of "God", and not a child. Thus, it costs to remember that sleep is not a direct reflection of events, but their metaphor.

Each dream is unique and unique, symbols are individual, personal and difficult to decipher a versatile manner.

Be careful to your dreams!

Waiting for examples of your dreams for mail: [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, psychologist, family therapist and leading trainings of the personal growth of the Trading Center Marika Hazin.

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