Medical tourism: Why are we treated abroad?


Today, medicine is a new niche in the healthcare industry. According to approximate estimates, only 30,000 patients from abroad arrive annually in Israel.

According to many people, the popularity of medical tourism is a consequence of a high level of Western medicine and the low qualifications of Russian doctors. It is possible to correct the situation, stop the "drowning" flow billions of dollars. Whether it is necessary to deal with it at all and what can be taken to break the situation, tells a specialist in the field of medicine in Israel Maria Kanevskaya.

- Maria, you recently participated as an expert in the program dedicated to medical tourism. The topic has recently been very relevant. What did they say?

- I talked with me as with a person who sees the problem from different sides, at different angles of view. Since I work and live in different countries - in Russia, in Israel, in Hungary - and I know different languages, I constantly communicate with specialists, I hear the reviews and opinions of patients, I have a more voluminous idea of ​​this situation. For example, you constantly hear the following:

Russian doctors say: "We have normal medicine, the people of" fools "that they go abroad, give us more money, and we will treat better."

In Israel, doctors say: "Horror - in Russia some charlatans, they can not be treated for any money, because people come cut, operated, and testimony to the operation absolutely was not at all."

German doctors say: "Our embassy did not give a visa, we are ready to operate in order not to lose time, but the children die, and without having received help, it's terrible."

I also work with alternative medicine in the countries of the East. With Chinese, Indian specialists. In the film also told about this direction, about "pitfalls", in this area, with which it is most often faced by a simple person.

- What are you faced with? Do you happen to situations when Zhuliki issued themselves for healers?

- Sure. Right and nearby. I have my own experience with such people. To get a complete picture, I find out where, how and what the healer studied, I look at how much energy and money this specialist invests in itself and its development, and how much to advertise, to the site. How and what he says.

I come to the reception as a patient, I observe how it interacts with people, what appointments do.

The first sign in his favor - he or she works for a charitable fee. I evaluate, marketing is a trick or a person is so confident in himself and in what it does. And this immediately causes my interest and respect.

I am confidently sending your patients with confidence to verified doctors. I will say right away, the true and knowledgeable healers a little, and there are always big queues to them.

There are those in Israel, of course in India, in Tibet, in China, in the United States and in Europe, their knowledge is based on the ancient Tibetan, Ancient Chinese medicine or Ayurveda. There are also unique people in Russia. They are mainly based on ancient knowledge practices or in the ancient knowledge of the East.

But the problem remains urgent: to determine and identify the rogue, to distinguish the present healer from charlatan is difficult, because there is no accurate qualification system in this direction.

- As a specialist who accepts our people in Israel, with what you most often have to come across?

- Basically, these are erroneous diagnoses. When you bring pictures to the doctor to the doctor in Israel, and on the basis of a picture and analyzes, treatment has been prescribed in Russia, after repeated research, it turns out that the treatment is appointed incorrectly due to the inaccuracy of the diagnosis. A snapshot of computed tomography or magnetic resonance tomography, for example, was read incorrectly. Or simply undecided and the estimated diagnosis begins to appear as an accurate. There are many such cases in gynecology.

Doctors in Russia prescribe a patient an urgent operation to remove the uterus in connection with the Moma (in the West, it is rather an exceptional case than a rule), or some tumor between the intestine and the uterus, or cysts that someone discovered.

Recently, a woman came to us, who tried to remove the formation between the intestines and the uterus with a larposcopic path three times. Israeli doctors simply canceled this diagnosis, prescribed treatment. Now she is healthy, we communicate with her. And so almost half of patients. Now Russian doctors love laparoscopy - this is a new branch of surgery, a minimally invasive procedure, and, as it does not sound terribly, try to appoint it as often as possible to experiment and "fill the hand" on patients for their money.

Half of such patients after a reliable diagnosis are leaving, just walking around the Tel Aviv Beach. And in Russia, doctors shouted: "I urgently need an operation!" These were erroneous diagnoses,

And there are many such cases.

- You want to say that in Russia many doctors can not even make a diagnosis?

- In Israel, before becoming, for example, neurosurgeon and proceed to practice, a specialist should give conclusion of thousands of images of MRI and not mistaken. This is just one of the exams. He infinitely passes attestation, consisting of complex stages, and only then he can become a neurosurgeon.

In my practice there was a case: a man with a sawn chest arrived, and the operation was not done. Israeli doctors absolutely did not understand why the poor patient was cut into the chest, because the testimony did not have to surge, and the operation itself was not-cut, cut and sewed! Russia has wonderful clinics. Burdenko, Bakule Cardiocenter, on state subsidies, Russians are served there for free, and qualitatively. There are excellent specialists.

But in general, there is a real problem throughout the country - this is a low qualification of doctors due to the lack of a system of certification and advanced training at the state level, at the level of the law. If no changes will occur in the qualification system - cases with a sawn chest will be repeated again and again. And the Russians at the first financial opportunity will prefer treatment abroad, and not in the hospital at the place of residence.

- There is information that our Russian doctors who have received education in Russian universities have also been working in Israel. It's true?

- Truth. And in Germany and in the USA. And it suggests that no doctors in Russia are bad, but the system itself is vicious today. Once again I repeat - there are many magnificent, ingenious, prominent doctors in Russia, but there is no system!

In Israel or in Germany, to preserve their specialization, the doctor every six months or a year should confirm it. Learn and pass. Without end, fly to seminars, ride the symposia, meet with colleagues, share experiences, study innovation, implement them into practice. If he did not pass itching, he loses qualifications and again becomes a simple therapist.

In Russia, they fly to seminars only at their own request.

Private clinics send doctors abroad, as a result it affects the cost of treatment, and everything happens is impossible, and the state and this does not.

- How much will the qualifications of Russian doctors change, if they start riding "according to foreign" for annual symposia at the expense of the budget?

- Medicine is science, and any science is built on the exchange of information, especially today.

In Italy, Spain, France, for example, the population in mass does not speak at all in foreign languages, but all doctors know English. Why? Because it is impossible to learn further if you do not know English. Let's honestly, how many doctors know in good level English? Units. And what exchange can we talk about?

In this regard, Hungarian medicine is very interesting. Since this is the former socialist country in the European Union, they began to show the same high demands as in German medicine, and the prices remained cheaper three times than in Germany or Israel.

Here's how they achieved it so fast? The answer is simple - infinite integration, constant exchange of knowledge, information. As a result, all hospitals are clogged in Hungary now in Hungary, because the treatment is much cheaper. In fact, it is easy, it is not a big cost, it's just a different look.

- In addition to certification, improve the qualifications of doctors, what else do you need, in your opinion, change?

How it would not seem to you strange, change in Russian medicine could be due to their geography and history. Russia, which has never left traditional ancient practices, unlike the West, could successfully combine official medicine with herbage, for example. Today, any Russian doctor will tell you: "Get off Valerian or a dyeing", that is, the herbalism has never been divided into medicine in Russian history. In Russia, in antiquity I never burned witch, signs, in the West in connection with the development of a pharmacological billionth business, these knowledge were destroyed. Any Western doctor, having heard about Valerian, will laugh and take his shoulders inappropriate ...

And Russia could, on the contrary, with the help of this to develop medical tourism, which is happening today in countries such as India or China. We are in Eurasia and could combine Western practices with ancient eastern. If in Russian modern official medicine to integrate and attract the unfairly forgotten knowledge of the ancients, as did, for example, India would receive billions of dollars.

Think about this figure - eight billion dollars every year India receives thanks to medical tourism, because the patient can use both the services of Ayurveda doctors and modern Western medicine. At the same time, they retained low prices at a high level of service. Russia could do the same because there is no stereotypical denial of the population of ancient healing practices, and even on the contrary - a growing interest in them. Herbal medicine, holistic medicine, Ayurveda, China traditional medicine, and the West denies it, in some countries it even frankly opposes. But this is the problem of Western society.

- Tell me how do you work with Russian patients?

- First we ask you to send the whole history of the disease, all the diagnostics, we translate it and show our specialists.

I want to give, in my opinion, a very valuable advice: if the Russian unfortunately asks for money in advance, the best thing that he will do is hanging the phone.

All normal representatives who value their many years of reputation, do not take any preliminary money and do not exhibit any accounts in advance.

Sometimes we see that the patient does not need to go anywhere. For example, if you are cardiology, we say: "You do not need to fly to us, you will spend money in vain for a ticket and time. Go to Moscow to Bakulevsky Institute. " Let's give the names of doctors. I speak absolutely for you, sometimes the effect of panic occurs, and there is no need to go to us. But if a person is configured, he can fly, once again pass the examination, consult with doctors.

When oncology, unfortunately, you have to go. Diagnosis and treatment of cancer, if possible, should be made in Israel, Germany or in the United States, with oncology in Russia, a sad story.

- Why they say that oncology in Russia, even if the patient is ready to pay, often "heal." Why not "heal" in Germany, in the USA, in Israel?

- Oncology is a special type of disease that requires a systemic and integrated approach, the opinions of many doctors, multi-apply diagnostics, impeccable laboratories. You need expensive modern equipment, you need not one good specialist, not only in medicine, but in the entire system, and the system in the country does not work.

In Israel, in Germany, in Hungary, the doctor introduces the patient's name to the computer, sees the entire history of human disease, tests, destination. In Russian medicine, this is not, this is another huge problem. The person has heart disease, he finds oncology, oncologist does not know about these problems, because he does not communicate with the cardiologist. In humans, patients have a kidney, none of the attending oncologists does not communicate with the urologist. As a result, drugs contradict each other are prescribed.

- A simple question - who is profitable?

- It's just a mess. Everyone has its own interest, everyone earns money, unfortunately, until the money canceled. But the doctor is such a profession, where the earnings must be a product B. product, and should be a lifestyle, compassion for the patient. Whether from small wages, but rather from the general fall of morality, unfortunately, today there is such a phenomenon in Russia, as "dilute the patient for money," I can say with confidence that many people came across this rod. Of course, you can not smear all doctors with one paint, but there are facts.

You will not see this in Germany or in Israel, nor in Switzerland, nor in Hungary is impossible, there doctors live due to reputation.

On the contrary, many specialists dissuade their patients to be operated on, offered alternative treatment options. For years I have never come across the practice so that the Western doctor persuades the patient to surgery.

In Russia, full doctors with high moral values, but come across, sorry, just "scum from medicine", and this is a catastrophic situation. Here you need to fight immediately and mercilessly.

- How do you imagine it?

- You need to raise system checks and when identifying such doctors to disqualify. The moral code of such doctors you will never fix. Pay him at least five thousand dollars for work, at least ten, he will still "swing" money from patients, because it has already entered the taste and feels impunity.

Among them are also real "bush flows in white coats", covering high phrases about the ethical side in medicine.

It is like bribery on the roads. But I would start the struggle from medicine. It's terrible that today for a Russian person a good appeal in the hospital is a big rarity ...

- What, according to your data, figures about exported money abroad in the field of medicine?

- Ten billions of dollars from the countries of the former USSR were exported only over last year. I think 60% is Russia.

A half a billion dollars received Israeli hospitals and medical centers and at least as many are private doctors and intermediaries. Here add India, Germany, Austria, Turkey, Switzerland, Japan, USA.

Despite the fact that Russia is rich, the government should compete for the fact that these billions remain at home, it's just, dear rulers! We just need to want.

Moreover, Russia is quite simple and quickly can turn into an object of medical tourism! In the meantime, the stream of medical studists is only increasing.

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