Relaxing love: what can excessive thrill due to the car


With the onset of cold weather, some motorists prefer to touch their car as little as possible, and the point is not that they do not need anywhere - many are simply afraid to once again touch their "iron horse", afraid of breakdowns or damage related to uneasy weather conditions. But why to smack with a car dust not so useful for the car itself? We tried to figure out.

The engine will not say "Thank you"

It seems to us that constant finding in a calm state or work on low speed will go to the engine and the overall work of the system for the benefit, but in reality, this approach turns into an even more frequent and complex repair. And the problem is that the soot begins to accumulate anyway, as if actively you did not use the car, and therefore work on high revs is still preferable. Says gradually goes off with candles and natural cleansing occurs. In addition, the boost system will tell you "Thank you" if you help her to cleanse it, contributing to the production of gases, which are formed only at high revs. Are you still driving low speed?

Motor also suffers

Another argument in favor of active driving - the work of the motor without a "roaschair" sends. And all due to condensate in the engine can be mixed with oil, which is extremely negatively affected by the protective properties of the motor. If you are driving at least on medium speed, the moisture evaporates faster than it will have time to harm.

The car needs your attention

The car needs your attention


Think about the gearbox

The DSG transmission implies fuel savings, as a result, goes to higher programs, which is not recommended to combine with a slow ride. Even short-rise in a traffic jam, where you have to move in jigsaw, the mechanical mechanical block may require repair or even replacement.

With tires

Even the most expensive tires are not insured against the deformation, if you have long keep the car in one place. The so-called "square effect" appears, in this case you will need a specialist help to bring them into a normal state, as you drive with a bad balance and clutch - then even pleasure. Treat your car with care, but do not bend.

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