MADE IN RUSSIA: What kind of beauty products and procedures you will not find abroad


Russian extension

Hair extensions - a procedure that appeared in the 60s of the last century - with Symon Forbes's easy hand. The technique reached Russia only by the end of the 90s, and in the USA became popular after the starry hour of such pop diva, as Beyonce, Gwen Stefani and Christina Aguilera. With frequent change of stage images, the overheads are helping to drastically change the style of the hairstyle. However, the methods of their attachment in different countries are different, and some of them can negatively affect hair health.

For example, hot buildings, with the help of organic resin, is not the best technique. Most often used in Italy and England. Spaniards prefer more gentle - cold - method, where strands are attached to hypoallergenic glue without heating. In Japanese technology, extension occurs with the help of metal beads, which form "clips" of 2-3 mm in size.

MADE IN RUSSIA: What kind of beauty products and procedures you will not find abroad 19403_1

Today, the diva show business and successful IT Girls are choosing "Russian buildup"

But in Russia, hair care experts approached the issue of increasing with special attention. Today to ensure the hairstyle with the necessary density and the length has become possible, while maintaining the natural structure without damage. The procedure was called "Russian extension" and for the first time became available in the Wowvolosy beauty studios network.

What is the essence? A distinctive feature of "Russian extension" is its multifunctionality. The required length and volume you can ensure your hairstyle for both one evening and for a long period of time. At the same time, it is absolutely imperceptibly on the hair: the overheads are closed with a part of their own hair with two layers - from below, by masking the place of attachment.

With the help of this technique, you can get a daily volume, without exposing the hair with thermal exposure and not climbing them with adolescents. Overhead curls are distributed evenly by weight of the hair, without having lost them. Rides are attached to the medical polymer, which passed dermatological control as a hypoallergenic agent.

Of course, and the "Russian extension" has its own minuses, which the master should be warmed about. First, it cannot be done on the hair length above the shoulders. Secondly, precautions should be observed when visiting a bath or sauna. To avoid overheating locations of lockers, you must use a hat. Thily, you will have to abandon the usual combs and use a brush with rare cloths.

"No matter how beauty trends you are inspired, you can always return the previous image," says the author of the new trend Tatyana Bronzhalova.

Pant baths

More than two thousand years ago, people opened the healing power of Pant. If someone does not know, the Pantians are the neo-stained horns of noble deer (marals), which contain more than 20 minerals and microelements, 18 of 22 known amino acids, vitamins of all groups, including the necessary leather A and E in increased concentration, peptides and collagen. This natural composition is impossible to synthesize in the laboratory conditions, so there are tremendous demand for the novel products, especially in the Asian beauty market. For example, the Chinese and Koreans go to Russia not only in order to buy beauty products with pans, but in order to take the naval baths.

People opened the healing power of Pant more than 2 thousand years ago

People opened the healing power of Pant more than 2 thousand years ago

For many years, naval baths were available only in Altai. However, recently a unique procedure appeared in Moscow. In the wellness center "Edree Altai", you can go through a unique SPA procedure - a cedar barrel filled with a healing ferry with the useful properties of Pant. For one course of 9-11 procedures, the process of visible changes is launched - due to the soft effect of steam, all useful substances penetrate directly into the body through open pores, naturally detoxes occur and as a result - weight loss from 3 to 6 kilograms. And in parallel, edema disappear, the skin becomes more elastic, taped and beautiful. But that's not all. In addition to external metamorphosis, pleasing eyes, guests note a noticeable increase in the tone of the whole organism, strengthening immunity and tide of energy. "Catching" this is a new state, many completely rebuild lifestyle and achieve persistent results.

For novel phytoboches, a fully natural product is used only in freshly frozen form, and not in the form of powders or concentrates. Thus, 100% of the quality of raw materials is guaranteed, due to which obvious progress is achieved - the very WOW effect after several procedures.

The procedure itself lasts about an hour and includes a hot shower, a povel steamhouse in a cedar barrel and a subsequent rest with a tasting of mountain altai honey, herbal tea and birch juice. The procedure is carried out under the obligatory observation of a specialist who selects the optimal duration of the steam effect, not more than 15 minutes at a temperature of from 38 to 40 degrees Celsius. The Pants are deflated immediately before the procedure and retain the maximum concentration of active substances, and the principle of operation itself eliminates the reuse of raw materials.

Powder as art

Russian cosmetics brands also offer a lot of interesting and unusual. So, at the brand TEANA that neither the product, then something absolutely amazing. Neuroactive ampoon serums Stress Control, Expert Boost leather boosters, Vegenius veganis sanitary bioessentials and a line based on return emulsions of Royal Formula - one can say that Teana has become a trendsetter in its area. They are, for example, for the first time brought to the market with 3D-hyaluronic acid. It consists of three different fractions - molecules of various sizes - due to which it allows not only to work in deep layers of the skin as a powerful humidifier, but also deliver other active ingredients there included in the composition.

Vegenius serum powders - this product 2 in 1

Vegenius serum powders - this product 2 in 1

Meet the next new items - it seems, we have never seen this before. Vegenius serum powder - this product 2 in 1. You can use as a careful primer or instead of decorative powder for matting and fixing makeup. But this is not all: the powder-serum perfectly replaces the night powder. The method of applying is extremely simple: you need to squeeze a small amount of powder into the lid and apply on your face with a brush for makeup. Choose what is suitable for you. Lifting & Soft Focus is more elastic and tightened skin + photofilter effect, Even Tone & Texture - amazingly smooth, matte and smooth skin, Smooth & Comfy - perfectly delicate skin without irritation and inflammation.

How much is in grams

Almost all manufacturers of cosmetics, telling about their products, often love to add mysteriousness: no one has completely revealed the recipe for a means. The young Russian brand Seveki decided to go unexpectedly. Having released a line of cosmetics for skin care with a moisturizing effect (the series includes wash, tonic and face cream), the creators most fully painted the formulation of each agent, the origin and ratio of components. This information can be found on the label by each jar, as well as on the company's website and in social networks.

In the line of face care of the face with moisturizing effect included foam for washing, tonic and face cream

In the line of face care of the face with moisturizing effect included foam for washing, tonic and face cream

Another difference of the brand from all now existing is the policy of open and honest pricing. The standard markup of cosmetics producers is very high - the goods are sold at a price of 6-10 times higher than the cost. Seveki has installed a minimum margin on goods, which allows you to recoup the costs and develop. Make sure and find out what the price of each product is located on the company's website. Very convenient: see the tool, read how much each of the components costs and understand: it is worth buying or preferring another brand. It is important that the means themselves are very high-quality and really well clean and moisturize the skin.

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