People are different: We teach the child tolerance


Parents want in the future to see their baby with a successful person, whose behavior will not be ashamed. Surely a matured child will not hurt animals, it will become financially helping the elderly and take care of the younger. The only thing that will not be available to your control is the course of his thoughts. Meanwhile, words can often offend the outsiders worse than the act: a squeamish expression of a person who looks at a non-traditionally looking man, bring it to tears or, at least, will upset. offers several tips for the upbringing of a tolerant person.

Everything goes from the roots

If grandparents spit and suffer as soon as it comes to unconventional sexual orientation, it will not be surprising to notice the child's similar attitude to representatives of these groups. Forget the phrases "How not you are ashamed, because you are a girl!" Or "Real boys do not do that!" Compliance with the rules of etiquette, the ability to take care of the satisfaction of its primary needs like cooking, the ability to make compromises and much more is the characteristics of a mentally mature person of any sex. The more templates you will give the baby in a gentle age when he cannot go against your decisions, the more difficult it will be later.

Family should not put the baby in the framework, so that after not to get rid of them

Family should not put the baby in the framework, so that after not to get rid of them


Expand the horizons

Travel with the child in different countries and in Russia. Show him the world in such a variety, what it is. Do not enhance it with a soft blanket in the form of only 5 star hotels, restaurants and shopping centers. Walk more on foot, go to the local cafe and communicate with the inhabitants - all this will give a wider view of the country's culture than paid excursions on the main attractions. Understanding in practice that we are all different, will develop tolerance of better educational conversations.

Do not put prohibitions

Any manifestation of individuality can be brought under a common line with the title "This is normal." OK, when a girl walks with short hair in jeans and a shirt, a man is growing long hair and takes them into the tail, the same-sex couple hugging in a public place, people consciously enter free relationships and so on. From the fact that you will close your eyes to objectively existing things, the world will not change - he will only fold you on the outskirts of society. Fortunately, many people understand this principle and work on their consciousness to raise the lack of tolerance in childhood. Let the child keep up with the times and think widely - so he will have much more close people than the admirer of obsolete spiritual cracks.

Forget about the template thinking and allow the child to love the world in his manifold

Forget about the template thinking and allow the child to love the world in his manifold


I am the love

When the baby is raised in a happy family, where he loves and respect, he also wants love to be in the answer. No wonder psychologists say that loving person is different from the Egoist that the first of the inner fullness shares love, and the second from the inner void is trying to leave at least a drop of love herself, just to fill the "hole". Grown in a mentally healthy surrounded person will not even think to offend the other for the color of the skin, figure, hairstyle or another - why does he need it? On the contrary, he will perceive everything new with a smile and luminous from curiosity through his eyes. We wish your child to grow up loving himself and surrounding the man who can easily make the world a droplet is kinder.

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