Get up and go: 5 lifehas to feel the tide


Many of us live according to the rules and at the pace of a large city, when stress and malnutrition become frequent satellites. In addition, weather conditions are not so often pleasing to residents of the middle strip, and rains, snow and cloudy weather, as you know, do not add optimism. As a result, we are increasingly faced with inclipses and often find ourselves completely exhausted. It is impossible to leave everything as it is, and therefore we collected five effective lifehaks that will help to cheer up.

Catch the sun

Yes, it is infrequently pleased with their appearance, so it is so important to use it with "services" when there is such an opportunity. If you have bright light through the curtains, let him fill the room: open the curtains, ventilate the room and be sure to dedicate yourself at least half an hour, for example, drink a cup of coffee in the solar kitchen or leaving a little more time in the morning, having passed to work or on business longer way to warm up and get energy charges from good weather. Try!

More water

Water is a source of life, unfortunately, we are not so often thinking about how much water balance is important for our body. It is impossible to establish metabolic processes without the participation of water, so try to start every morning from a glass of clean water, you can add lemon lick. Make it with your ritual, after a month you will feel change - it became easier for you to move away from sleep, the overall well-being is gradually being uploaded, and when there are no health problems, the mood itself increases, in addition, you begin to feel extra forces.

Charge a sunny mood

Charge a sunny mood


Are you active?

Most of the office workers spends their day extremely passively - 8-9 hours per computer, without any workout. And very in vain. If your lifestyle is difficult to call active, you will gradually begin to passively to react to the circumstances around, life will become black and white. What to do? First, understand what activity is important in any manifestation and try to change your lifestyle, spending less time in the same position. Secondly, start acting - do it today, the benefit of the choice of activities for every taste just amazes.

Invigorating cytrus

If you need to cheer up here and now, call for help any citrus. It can be both fresh lemon and orange essential oil - anything. The fact is that the smell of citrus is acting on our brain as a strong stimulus, as a result, drowsiness and mood increases, which means that the performance will be at the height. Try to cheer up with the help of orange Freasha tomorrow.

Music is louder

A great way to bring thoughts in order and relieve tension is to listen to your favorite tracks. Standing in a traffic jam, it is not at all necessary to dive into your thoughts, which are often crowded with the negative and digestion of the events of the past week, distracting and turn on the album of your favorite artist or just find the vigorous radio wave and make a pogrom. Of course, without interfering with others.

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