Learn the baby with good manners


It is difficult to imagine full-fledging a child without learning good manners. Let's decide on the concepts: good manners - what is it?


  • Accuracy (personal hygiene, table behavior, careful attitude towards things, garbage removal).
  • A polite speech (greet, say goodbye, thank, ask for forgiveness).
  • Sympathy (condescending to younger, animal).
  • Tolerance (quiet and respectful attitude to those who are not like you: people of another nationality, level of education, wealth, etc.).
  • Culture of communication (respect for the elders, to a woman, the ability to offer their help).

Psychologists argue that awareness is very important in the actions of parents. Communicating with the child, it is enough to keep answers to two questions in my head: "What am I doing?" And "Why am I doing this?" So why do you need good manners, why are they so important to vaccinate from an early age? Every year in our society more and more people in each other. If a person from an early age learns to be benevolent, to abide by the norms of behavior, which is easier to express exactly through good manners, then in the future it is easily adapted in any social environment, it will be able to build a relationship in the team, will be confident.

And how are they? Kaleidoscope observations

Most foreigners are exceptionally polite, which they strive to transfer to their children. For example, one-and-half-one kid from Berlin firmly knows one word - Danke (thanks). A familiar Scottish Father also teaches his daughter Sophie thanks, she is only nine months old. But it does not matter, because she can tilt the head and smile. Two-year-old Leonardo from Venice, looking at the parents, is already learning to be managed with a fork and a knife. Two-year-old Alexander from Sri Lanka teach there not only devices, but also with their hands. They are so accepted. In Sri Lanka, kids with diapers teach carefully to treat everything alive, try to not offend anyone. There is also learned to respect the elders. So, all grandmothers here are the name of Acchi, it does not matter, her child is a child or not. In Germany, Moms often turn to their children using a conditional temporary design (Konjunktiv II). It turns out extremely polite appeal, it will sound something like: "Could you remove your toys?". The Germans are accustomed to so to communicate and rarely ask each other about something directly.

Good manners that begin with particles "can not". Here is the international minimum on the title of "Little Gentleman or Lady". It is impossible:

1. Pick in the nose.

2. Slim nose.

3. Sick out something out of the nails.

4. Loose legs on the table.

5. Speak with mouth stuffed.

6. Skat on a chair.

7. Fight for no reason.

8. Select toys.

9. To take other people's things demand.

10. Interrupt the speaking.

11. Talk loud in transport, discuss passengers.

Russia: Moms say

All moms, which I managed to poll, converge in the main thing: it is necessary to start with yourself. It is impossible to teach the baby to fold his toys if the mother's jars with cosmetics were dispersed around the apartment. Many mothers talk about how to teach good manners difficult to separate from the upbringing as a whole. During the day, if the mother lives in close contact with the baby, she will always turn his attention to how herself wipes the legs of the door rug, where you need to throw a fantasy and what to do when you sneeze. It is quite realistic to teach the child with unacceptable rules without any coercion, periodically affecting his behavior.

Children are always delighted if they speak tales in them. Therefore, moms pass into the language of allegory and magical stories. Or they turn for help to professionals, because the topic of good manner has created a lot of instructive fairy tales, poems, cartoons and performances. These selections are perfectly suitable for reoxoites, from three to seven years. There are also those mothers who are confident: it is not necessary to rush the nature of the child - as the brain ripening, it will reach everything. It is important for them to create an atmosphere of unconditional love and adoption. They make a framework permitted invisible, do not interfere with the expression of any emotions. In a word, under any circumstances do not break the baby and do not drive it under the standards. Such parents, creating all the conditions for development, depart aside. They only carefully watch how gradually their child turns into the same educated person, as they themselves.

Workshop. Tips of experienced parents

Start with yourself. Pay attention to your behavior and appearance, home, on your relationship with your husband and home. Requirements for children begin with the requirements for themselves.

Support all the beginnings of the child. My friend Timothy is only 3.5 years old, but he gladly helps her mother to cook: whipping the egg, blossoms with cake cream for cake. His peer of Svyatoslav - himself takes over Mop. These kids have not yet turned four, but how proud they can do adult affairs! Take a closer to your child, pick him up a task in my soul. And at the end, be praised, regardless of the result.

Fairy tales, cartoons, performances. It is important not only to read, show, take, but also discuss. Who is a positive hero who are negative? How would the child arrived at the site of the main character? Then everything perceived is better learned. For example:

The play "Euseik and five magic gems" will consolidate polite words in the minds of the toddler.

The fairy tale-game "Alphabet of politeness" Lyudmila Vasilyeva-Gangnus will help to instill a child-preschool behavior skills in society. The author appeals to the child and to the parent.

Cartoons about Cota Leopold - an excellent example of kindness and friendship.

Film (or book) V. Suteeva "Bag of Apples" will teach the child to be generous, not greedy.

The poem of S. Marshak "Lesson is politeness" can be learned by heart and vote at suitable moments.

Arrange holidays. On any topic, say "Day of the first green leaf". While there is a preparation for the celebration, you can learn: cleaning and decorating the apartment, cooking food, table service, meeting guests, general children's games. Such entries will teach the child to behave with people, hold on to the table, receive guests. I adored such holidays, I was preparing for a long time, I consulted with my mother, came up with surprises and contests.

Joint affairs will bring love for labor in the child. Better when the girl helps mom, and the boy is dad. For example, my daughter always helps me upload and unloaded underwear from a washing machine, starting two with the tail of the year. Sons with dad can make the feeder for birds, repair a broken shelf. To begin with, it is enough to bring and keep tools.

Give the baby to mature. Maxim from two years old brings a grandmother's chair when she comes to visit. Mama Maxim never asks him: watching her, the boy gradually adapts the initiative on himself.

Model situations. You and the baby will have a campaign to the theater or a long crossing, where the unusual situation and there are behavior rules. Or it periodically offends children on the site. Then this way for you. Splash the script of the upcoming event, and then play it on the roles.

Remember that children often behave inadequately when they lack attention. Although it is difficult, keep inner calm, tune in to the fact that the child will behave well. Be indulgent. Because the baby can forget to wash his hands if he is full of impressions of the walk, it does not have to clean my teeth from fatigue. Offer to remove toys together, usually a child with joy does it along with his parents. Whatever you choose, do not wait for quick results. Love your child and do not forget: you are the main example for him.

Tatyana Tikhonov

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