How to customize yourself for career success: 3 important rules


Career growth is given to women much more difficult than men. Nobody will argue with this, because we all understand the features and difficulties of building a career in our country. And this is not a vote statement, it is confirmed by numerous surveys in which people note that men, not a fair sex, are much more likely to increase the career ladder.

Such conditions often lead to the emergence of feeling of helplessness and confidence in their inability to get an increase. But this is not the case at all, any woman can be successful in his career if it will properly configure himself.

Put yourself a goal

The first step towards a successful career is the correct placement of the goal. Many men and women ignore this rule, we spend more time on vacation planning or going on a date, but we almost don't think about what we want to achieve in our professional field.

Career is built as a building, it also requires a well-thought out plan and compiled project, so it is necessary to take place first. You need to answer your questions:

- What do you want to get ultimately?

- What is your goal?

- What steps need to do to achieve the desired?

You should be able to approach the purpose, given your capabilities. If today you work as a waiter, then in three weeks you are unlikely to become a manager of the restaurant.

Business coach, female coach Margarita Lyubimova

Business coach, female coach Margarita Lyubimova

Determine why you need success

When plans to achieve success in the career are built, it is necessary to understand what exactly you want to become successful. Reasons for wishing success can be the most different:

- the desire to get a new status and recognition;

- the desire to earn a lot of money to buy a car, apartments or gaining opportunity to travel often around the world;

- the desire to evolve in their field, go beyond boring tasks, work on interesting projects;

- The desire to show all its qualities and become the leader.

In addition, it is possible to want to desire success and just for the sake of the realization of itself, the potential itself.

In practice, there are always a few reasons, and the more they are, the stronger you are motivated for success, the achievement of which you really are on the shoulder.

Understanding what exactly motivates you to achieve success, you can better prepare for promoting the career staircase, it is easier to overcome any obstacles, because you will understand why you need to make efforts.

Find time on yourself and loved ones

Find time on yourself and loved ones


Prepare for success

Each woman needs to prepare for success and take responsibility for a successful career. Success in life for men and women are very different things. If a man concentrates on material benefits, then a woman can not forget about himself. She necessarily needs to feel happy, because, not forgetting about its goals, it is necessary to focus on his own, their relatives and loved ones. Dear people do not have to feel forgotten and lonely while you climb the career stairs. And you should not forget about your appearance and your health.

This success comes to a woman when she loves not only her work, but also himself, lives in harmony with her body and loved ones, enjoys the process, remains a woman, and does not take the role of a man.

A serious problem on the way to success is also numerous blocking attitudes and programs, we prevent the so-called fear of success. Each of us experienced many failures throughout life, we are accustomed to them and can survive them, but the real success is in only units. But successfully hidden not only triumph, self-realization and material benefits, but also many unpleasant moments:

- The fear of condemnation, which is often compared with the fear of death;

- Fear to allow mistakes;

- Fear before envy, etc.

A woman must be free from all locks that block her way to a successful career. When you know about blocking installations, it is easier to notice in yourself, to realize and get rid of them. In this case, the achievement of success will be easy and will take a minimum of time.

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