Alexander Melman: I think, it means


We will not, in my opinion, I will not, in my opinion, I still degraded, and you can only rejoice here for Alexander Vasilyevich. For its brilliant form, respectable appearance. Forever Young! But "h? G? K?" ...

So, the game will be already 43 years old. The age is more than serious, and for TV is actually unique. And the main difference from KVN: What then, during the years of Brezhnev's stagnation, that later, in the Gorbachevsky restructuring, that in Yeltsinsky amazing awesome years, that for 18 years under Putin (and a little bit at Medvedev) this game remains the best. Really intellectual, when all Cones relies only on your own head.

This was invented by Vladimir Voroshilov, clever, paradoxical thinker. Outside the framework, outside the specimen - he just worked and could not otherwise. It was almost never visible, because he was something like God, Demiurga, Karabasa-Barabas. He pulled for a string, and the players seemed to them that they were themselves. True, they themselves tried to repeat Voroshilov to repeat something, because they understood that Jack Sweat would be only someone who won't make compromises, on the flag, who would firm in the morning, day and evening, aloud and to herself: "I think and therefore essential. "

Voroshilov personified "h? G? K?" Was her symbol, brand, brain. I was given the happiness to be familiar with him. But when this wonderful person left us, it seemed that nothing would be no longer. But what we see now ... I will even say: hurry to see! Because Boris Hook, the foster son Voroshilov, took a lot from him and added something his own, of course. Hook and "H? G? K?" - more than alive!

... once played books - very nice. Then they went money - very sad. Although it did not cancel the game itself. Now there is no money again (though, except for constantly running tissues on the board), but you hold on! They play just for interest, and only the audience - for money.

Probably "h? G? K?" Rich Organization. I do not know, but I guess. Only it is not important. The main thing is that in this game still has intrigue, thought, life. That eyes are even burning with the "elderly" friends and at the best captain of all the times and peoples of the "insane" Andrei Kozlov.

And then a new generation pulled up, have you seen? This is something extraordinary! Some people are the future in front of us. When everything is so terrible, unhappy, sad and sad, suddenly these children appear. Watch how they play - incredible pleasure.

Just do not share, I know many experts. These are ordinary people. Among them are smart, stupid, and it is not at all necessary that the best player is intellectically than the rest. Everything is much more difficult. Just have a game, and it is beautiful. There are people who do it. They are absolutely different, and that are also beautiful. There are faithful spectators who look "h? G? K?" decades. And completely new, tired of the rest of the television madness. They also come to "h? G? K?". And remain forever.

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