5 water use rules


Rule number 1

All probably have already heard the Council more than once that the day it is necessary to drink two liters of water or eight glasses. This is not quite so. A miniature girl living in the north requires much less fluid than a large man located in southern latitudes. Compelate with your nutritionist, he will pick up the norm for you.

The number of water required depends on body weight

The number of water required depends on body weight


Rule number 2.

A bottle or a cup with water should always be at hand. Focus on your feelings to prevent dehydration. Whatever time we chose time to quench your thirst, we bring our body only benefit.

Do you feel thirst? Drink!

Do you feel thirst? Drink!


Rule number 3.

Before any meal, drink a glass of water - this is the main security key. You are activated by the process of digestion, the food will be better digested, and the feeling of hunger will decrease, it means that you do not use extra calories.

A glass of water before meal - the norm

A glass of water before meal - the norm


Rule number 4.

For a long time they were inspired that during meals to drink harmful. Mall, water dilutes gastric juice and reduces acidity, braking the metabolism and digesting food. This is a myth, there is a much more dangerous to dry. Gastroenterologists insist on the use of fluid during lunch, it softens the dry food lump, improving its permeability.

Lunch can and need to drink

Lunch can and need to drink


Rule number 5.

Several sips of clean drinking non-carbonated water immediately after eating it is quite possible to afford if you are experiencing acute thirst. However, it is better to wait a while so that the food is a little learned. This will avoid such unpleasant moments as bloating, gravity and abdominal pain.

Add fruits and juices to water

Add fruits and juices to water


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