Borodin and Terekhin again together?


Not so long ago, the well-known TV presenter of Ksenia Borodin in a frank interview said that he finally and irrevocably ruined his relationship with the long-time beloved Mikhail Terekhin. According to celebrities, the young man turned her life into solid quarrels and conflicts.

"In recent months I had no life, and some kind of hell! And I decided that Misha would no longer be in my home and life, "said Ksenia.

However, apparently, the pair reappeared again. In the microblogging of one of the former participants of the "House-2" Maria, a message appeared, which suggests the reunification of Borodin and Terekhin: "Yesterday received hundreds of questions in their social networks about the reconciliation of Ksyusha with Misha. When I saw a glade with Ksu, I felt an incredible light and a radiant smile from her ... And I thought about myself: what is happy ... And in the evening it opened this simple secret when I saw a couple of dancing people, as they cuddled to each other and how touchingly hesitated . Such a smile and spiritual warmth comes only from the woman with which there is a loving man ... It doesn't matter how good it will last and what it should end, you still need to take into account the fact that nothing happens so constant as temporary ... "

It should be noted that Ksenia Borodin and Mikhail Terekhin broke out more than once, but after some time the couple always restored the relationship.

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