5 Norm etiquette


Be careful to the interlocutor

The ability to listen and not interrupt, even just out of politeness, will immediately call the location from your interlocutor. Do not distract, do not look around, even if you are insanely boring. If the theme of you really tired, translate the conversation to another, more interesting to you.

Speat listen

Speat listen


Do not reveal

For a conversation with unfamiliar people, choose neutral themes: Weather, movies, sports. It is unlikely that a colleague from another city is interesting for the disease of your cat or quarrel with mother-in-law. Politics, religion, finance, personal life Your and common acquaintances - all this is not the best choice for the conversation.

Gently with themes

Gently with themes


Keep yourself in your hands

Excessive manifestation of emotions: loud laughter, exclamations, tears, at best will make talk about you, as an eccentric person. And no one applies to such seriously. You should not show your attitude to others at all, even if you are in love with your boss, and you can't tolerate his secretary, leave feelings with you.

Control emotions

Control emotions


Observe the distance

In public places and crowded companies, do not rush to throw on your close friends. You can put them in an awkward situation. Suddenly he documens with business partners or wife. Just just the nod of the head as a greeting.

Do not rush to get in someone else's conversation

Do not rush to get in someone else's conversation


Contact correctly

According to the rules of etiquette, you should contact people over 12 years old. Do not skimp on a friendly look, smile. Friendly, benevolent attitude should be shown to everyone, including attendants. If you need to contact, use an impersonal request, like "be kind", shout "waiter" - indecent.

Be polite with everyone

Be polite with everyone


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