Style rules: the brightness of the Feat. elegance


And there are situations where the full arsenal of "female stuffing" may seem relevant, for example, a costume party. And in almost all other cases it is necessary to choose something one, in the name of preserving elegance.

In one of my first posts, I already said: To violate the rules, you need to know them perfectly. The science of attracting attention is just about this: you need so much to the image of an accent point so that no one can guess about her true purpose. And even if someone and understand, all the same external decency will be observed.

The first "covenant" many know since childhood: "Or legs, or breasts!" In other words, you can afford either a relatively short dress, skirt, shorts, or deep cutting top, blouses. I think, it is not worth explaining for a long time: both of these zones strongly cling to the look and exposure to one of them more than enough.

The second, also popular and faithful, advice: "either eyes or lips!" Speech, it goes about makeup. It is vividly allocated if I want to emphasize the face, it is also something one thing. With a rare exception, when the make-up is obviously creative, you need to remember about moderation, especially in summer: on bright sunlight paints risks look like fair-carnival, too heavy and theatrical.

Another rule: "Better a shorter than to overdo it." You can extend this idea to almost all: rhinestone crystals, the number of decorations, deliberately elegant clothing items. There is, of course, and such an appearance that the complex paratory dress is best to emphasize right in the morning, but most of us should learn the highest pilot of another kind: look impeccable and luxuriously in relatively simple things seasoned, but are ideally selected, details.

And finally, using his expert's position, I want to offer you my thoughts on how things look bad, went and "too" for everyday, evening and business images in 99% of cases:

Jeans with embroidery smooth or abundantly embroidered by "stones";

Synthetic "blouses" with the texture "under lace", especially contrasting (black, red ...);

Monophonic satin dresses of low quality: the fabric is ugly deform, electrified, "crawling" up legs;

Corsets resembling linen. Especially complete with the "bottom" in the style of Caushal: jeans, knitwear;

Shoes with a disproportionately large platform under the socks: you take a common look, make legs like an empty.

Are there any things that you think the taboo for an elegant girl?

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected]

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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