How to become younger in an hour, but to keep the result for years


Many women dream of looking younning for 10 years, but plastic operations and associated common anesthesia are afraid. Today the market of beauty services offers a lot of procedures, but we do not always know than one method differs from the other. Today we will tell about lipophiling - a fairly effective method of correction of appearance, which is performed in just an hour under local anesthesia, and the results are saved for years.

Bright pronounced nasolabial folds, wrinkles, sagging skin, neck, hands ... All these problems can be solved with the help of their own fat. It turns out that the doctor can take it from the zones where it is a lot (for example, hips or belly) and transplant to the plots where it is not enough. Moreover, it is possible to pursue such a procedure almost at any age - from 18 to 70 years.

Lipophiling is carried out quickly. As a rule, in an hour. Anesthesia is used local, that is, patients do not have to move away from anesthesia for a long time. The process itself is quite simple. The doctor conducts fat fence with a special nozzle, then the resulting biomaterial is processed and cleaning, and after they fill those zones that are necessary. And the doctor does not incision, but only a small puncture of about 1.5 mm. Therefore, the procedure is considered to be minimally invasive, non-damatic, damage to vessels.

Plastic, Maxillofacial and Laser Surgeon Azhad Al-Yusef talks about the intricacies of the procedure

Plastic, Maxillofacial and Laser Surgeon Azhad Al-Yusef talks about the intricacies of the procedure

Due to the fact that their own patient cells are used, tissue rejection almost never happens. And over a few months, fat fastens in new sites, the complexion of the face is noticeably improved. The epidermis acquires smoothness, and the outlines of the face becomes clearer. When conducting lipophiling, we also launch the processes of rejuvenation of all surrounding tissues. In the process of healing, fibroblasts (cell connective tissue cells) migrate to the place of damage, actively synthesizing the substances of the extracellular matrix, including collagen. And collagen just provides elasticity and youth of the skin.

The recovery period is small, it is about two weeks. During this time, swelling and bruises pass. At this stage, it is worth abandoning baths and saunas, avoid physical exertion, wearing compression linen if the shape correction was performed. But no bandages are imposed on the face.

With the help of lipophiling, you can return youth to centuries, chin, neck, chests, temples, lips. In addition, this method is also effective for other parts of the body, such as breast, legs, buttocks. It can solve the problem of the asymmetry of the mammary glands, the loss of chest of elasticity and forms. It will be effective with flat buttocks, excessive hooduroba in the field of the legs, ugly feet. And also saves the situation if the implants are strongly allocated under the skin. And this technology is perfect for those who want to get rid of scars, scars, burns.

If you compare lipophiling with other cosmetology procedures, then one of the advantages is the fact that the effect lasts much longer. For example, to reduce nasolabial folds, cosmetologists usually use fillers. So, Fillers with collagen will give an effect for only 2-6 months, with hyaluronic acid - for 6-12 months. And the effect of lipophiling on average is 5 years.

Another incomprehensible plus of this procedure is the price. It begins on average from 40 thousand rubles. That is, such a correction of appearance can be even cheaper than going to a beautician.

Of course, there are lipophiling and contraindications. However, they are the same as from other interventions. These include oncology, diabetes, blood coagulation disorders, vascular disease and connective tissue, infectious diseases.

Special preparation for lipophillation is not required. The main requirement is to refuse to receive acetylsalicylic acid 2 weeks before and 1 week after the intervention (if you accept it), refrain from alcohol and smoking a few days before the procedure, relax, take a shower, wash your head, do not eat 6 hours before Lipophiling.

Of course, there is a small risk that fat can partially dissolve. However, most often it occurs in smoking patients or people with individual characteristics of the body. In this case, they may need a re-procedure, which can be performed after 1-2 months.

Also lipophiling can be combined with other surgical operations, such as blepharoplasty or rhinoplasty. Due to this, it is possible to get a truly harmonious appearance.

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