COVID-19 VS Future Moms: Pregnancy Features During Pandemic


The work of the female reproductive system is very difficult - even the usual stress can affect the hormonal background and create certain difficulties in planning pregnancy. Today, experts of reproduction centers are conducting various events, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the problems that a woman often faces when it comes to the health of the reproductive system. So specialists from the center Nova Clinics at one of the events made an emphasis on the problems faced by women for this year during the coronavirus pandemic. Specialists are confident that even in such a difficult situation, it is important to regularly attend their attending physician to avoid the consequences of diseases and states that could develop for a long time, while not showing themselves. If you believe the statistics, in 30% of cases, cervical cancer is diagnosed too late. That is why timely consultation can help prevent further development of dangerous disease and even restore the reproductive function.

Venne every minute

Another point that is worried about the gynecologists of the country, becomes age. Even if the woman feels perfectly and looks great in its 35, its reproductive function does not always boast of the same excellent quality. At this age, infertility is often diagnosed, with this problem to doctors drawn quite a rather high percentage of women. Gynecologists are confident that the delay in this case can not play in favor of a woman, especially considering the situation in the last year: medical facilities work in new conditions, additional requirements for patients appear, which can significantly complicate the survey process. It is important to follow all the recommendations of your attending physician, most importantly, do not miss the time, which in the case of pregnancy planning at the age of 35+ runs faster than usual.

Be in touch with your attending physician

Be in touch with your attending physician


COVID-19 VS Pregnancy

At the moment, large-scale studies associated with the influence of coronavirus during pregnancy are not carried out, but doctors use the experience of their colleagues, which in these Terms is simply invaluable. So about 30 patients of the center Nova Clinic faced a dangerous combination - coronavirus and pregnancy. The situation was not simple, since the pregnancy came as a result of the ART (auxiliary reproductive technologies), the patients had a predisposition to increased blood coagulation, which in combination with coronavirus could lead to extremely unpleasant consequences, because coronavirus infection leads to a sharp blood concentration even in people not previously similar problems of this nature. In the process of treatment, heraled drugs are used, which significantly reduces the risks for both the most outstand mother and baby.

All women who have suffered COVID-19 have complications at different times, for example, a violation of blood flow in the artery of the fetal cord or thickening of the future placenta. Fortunately, the efforts of the doctors did not pass to no avail, and absolutely all women became happy mothers, despite all the experiences and dangerous situations that arose in the process of tooling the child.

As we see, Coronavirus represents a serious danger for any person, especially such a vulnerable, like a pregnant woman, and yet, even such a test can not interfere to give birth to a healthy baby. The main thing is not to let the situation on samonek and be in touch with doctors.

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