Downshifting: Is it possible to change the life, abandoning everything


Many have heard of these courageous people who consciously refuse life benefits in exchange for freedom of decision-making. Although initially "Downshifting" meant a decrease in the velocity of the car or the slowdown in any process, already this term began to mean a career refusal, albeit the soupeless. Most of the downshifters do not just go from office, but generally refuse work on schedule.

A typical Downshifter travels around the world, devotes all his time to his beloved lesson and simply enjoys life. Often, Downshifters leave the country, for example, on the tropical islands where the hurry and bustle is simply no place. Probably the greatest concentration of downshifters focused on Bali and in Thailand. What makes people abandon material benefits? We tried to find out.

Workaholic ... only on the contrary

Most of the inhabitants of the Big City are concentrated on the thoughts of increasing their income, and such a race implies Deafness to their own desires and problems. "Sorry" at work, a person gradually loses himself, many in the end realize that they did not come to anything. That is why a certain number of office workers prefers to radically change life, abandon this race and go to a permanent vacation. Yes, such a life implies a sharp decline in income, which is logical, but the feeling of freedom for the classic downshifter is much more important.

Is there a chance to return to your old life

Is there a chance to return to your old life


What to live?

Naturally, a person who has no absolutely no income, except for the salary, can not so just take and become downshifter. As a rule, people who have decided on such a step have a "financial pillow", for example, the apartment they pass, or accumulation from previous work. Let these funds be lacking for a comfortable life, but do not give a hungry death.

Is it possible to return to ordinary life in the city?

What is interesting, not all downshifters leave their country and the city - many remain living in the same place, but for such a free life they have to pay in any case: not all family members are ready to put up with the fact that the second half or parent, on whom well-being depends Families, leaves all their interests and career aspirations in order to live in his pleasure. As a result of a family in 90% of cases, a person remains one on one with all its problems that were also acquiring new ones. Among other things, to restore career after several years of absence in the profession is quite difficult - you have to start all over again, what is not everyone ready for.

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