Determine your color bottle - a difficult task


A couple of days ago I came as a letter with a question from the reader Womanhit named Catherine:

Hello, Katerina! Here you are writing that you need to choose which colors are suitable: summer or autumn. And if they are suitable and others? Me, for example. And this is confirmed by friends, and colleagues at work. How to be? "

Catherine, thank you for the up-to-date and interesting question! The fact is that with difficulties in the definition of your color and, accordingly, in the choice of ideally suitable appearance of colors collide in one way or another almost everything. Let's look at why it happens.

First, the most important thing in the definition of the colorage is to explore the natural paints of appearance. Suitable colors are visible only when there is no grams of cosmetics on the face, and the hair is a natural shade, or if they are painted in another, then they must be removed under a neutral golk (as a rule, inhabitual white or neutral beige color). Lighting should be only natural. Then, only then with the help of a color test, applying different shades, you can really see which of them will make a face shining without additional effort, the color of the eyes will emphasize, help visually "whiten" teeth and so on. In fact, as a rule, we use makeup, masking, sometimes beyond recognition, even your own skin tone, highlight the eyes with colored shadows and eyeliner, apply a blush and lipstick. All this, with a skillful circulation, can help "add up" to almost any colors, even radically unsuitable.

In general, the correct definition of the colorage is not an easy task. To do this, Ideally need a professional with experience of such work, which has special tools: drapets, palettes.

There is another option that a person can wear "not his" colors are not near the face and therefore it looks great in "other people's" colors. So, pants or skirt having a shade out of the palette of another colorage relative to "safe" for our appearance. It may also happen that appearance refers to one of the so-called "border" colorworks on the twelfth-off system. For example, you personally can be a "soft summer" or "soft autumn": as you can see, their palettes are quite similar at first glance. And, I will say in secret, some colors in neighboring palettes can practically repeat, with the exception of small tone nuances.

Extended color table table. Photo:

Extended color table table. Photo:

And some of my colleagues speak at all about the existence of "neutral" and "mixed" types, which are suitable colors from several subtypes.

In addition, it is impossible not to mention that every specific person in principle only a certain set of shades is most of all from the palette of the color of the color,5: this is due to the uniqueness set of external characteristics of any of us.

Finally, many close shades are perceived relating to one "season", but in fact they can characterize the other: all the difference consists in the slightest changes in temperature, brightness and saturation, which are difficult to catch without looking at.

In general, when attempting to define the color,5, a plurality of pitfalls are often detected, which make this process complex and time consuming.

Whatever it was, if you like, dear readers, as you look, and the surrounding sincere make you compliments - it is much more important than the exact knowledge of your coloring and compliance with the rules of this theory. She, in the end, is just a tool, the meaning of the use of which is to make a person more beautiful and happier. And if this goal is achieved, you can listen to Machiavelli with a clean conscience and forget about the means! ..

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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