Irina Saltykova: "Not a female thing is a case - think about work"


"I'm not moving anywhere," Irina replied. - Just now and now we rest in Forte-Dei Marmi. Recently, I have experienced changes in the work schedule: tour from time to time, not thirty concerts per month, as before. Still, you need to be able to rest. And if the atmosphere in Moscow is very tense, then here you have fun: and from food, and on what sometimes you just do not do anything.

- Do not even attract shopping?

- Now I do not buy so many things as before. But in general, when you wear a new one, you feel differently in a different way, as the shower went - it feels like. I often go and constantly bring something. I have four wardrobe in the house. Summer, winter, for rare things and for scene.

- What are you planning to do on return to the capital?

- In the summer, my plans are connected mainly with trips. Now I am in Forte-dei Marmi, but we want to go to Capri, on Sardinia. Perhaps in August will go on a yacht in Croatia. Then France, Cote d'Azur. In general, we love to take the car and travel on it in Europe.

- And who is driving, if not a secret?

- Like who? My civil husband. I myself rest on the wheel not sitting!

- Is there any likelihood that your fans will hear new hits from Irina Saltykova?

- Are you talking about creative plans? There is such a singer Natalie, who once sang one song "Wind from the sea blowing", and now she sang "Oh, God, what a man" ... Creative plans are when there is a sit. But this is unpredictable. Hit needs to write one, not a hundred. Now it is pointless to release the album. Here my daughter is much more creative plans, and I am happy with her achievements even more than mine. And at my age, the issues of personal life are already more important. It seems to me that this is also creativity.

- It's rumored that both the business on tailoring you also almost crumbled ...

- I am a business man. But, it happens, and business people are also blown away when they pour a lot on themselves. Therefore, now I rest more than working. Business, of course, remained, but purely for his minimum. I give things to implement, accept orders - and that's it. I poured three years from morning to night and was very exhausted during this time physically and morally. I do not even want to think about work. Not a female thing. (Laughs.)

- You have always been a very independent special and in a musical career, and in business. Now you also need a civilian husband or a civilian husband still helps?

- Helps a lot. I do not want to live alone, it is wrong. It seems to me that the woman should live with a man, so easier and physically, and morally, and financially. My husband helps me in all aspects, I feel good and easy to me. And in a different way should not. I remember how my husband threw me with a child in his arms - and in my life then there was only work, and nothing else. So should not.

- So you were lucky to meet my man?

"I don't know, maybe lucky, and maybe it should be." We are inventing what we want. And God gives us. It is not just important to meet and live a couple of years. It is important to save the relationship. Of course, my husband is not the perfect and not better than everyone. And even sometimes I don't like everything. But if you fell in love, created a family, develop it further.

- Do you specifically open the person of your man?

- He has no relation to music, except that sometimes sings in karaoke. (Laughs.) By the way, there are songs that it is obtained, for example, Irina Allegrova. In general, he is a businessman. And I think it is not very correct and correctly disclosing his person: Well, there is. All like people, in short.

Irina and Alice Saltykov. .

Irina and Alice Saltykov. .

- You have been together for several years. And the wedding perspective with a white dress did not think?

- I wonder this question constantly and I do not find a response. For whom all this? For friends? Well, maybe - have fun, drink champagne. And if for yourself - then you do not need a white dress. In general, it is better to just live.

- Due to the fact that you have more free time, probably have new hobbies?

- Only development and engaged. I want something new. Already a year I go to the ballet for the physical form, and for the soul often attend the theaters.

- I heard that you also struck familiar with your designer talent. After you made repairs in your home, you began to make a job to work and other ...

- It was so. Maybe I will still make some apartment, but only my people. In general, I want to go to the courses of architects.

- What are you proud of your home?

- We have a huge veranda with a fireplace, a sofa, a large table, a samovar on coals. There are caulders, we cook there. I generally loved home comfort.

- I would like to talk about your daughter's career. Many already know that Alice makes good progress in the music business in Europe ...

- Alice has the task of becoming a singer known in the world. And I'm glad for her, because the person is engaged in creativity, working on a solo career. What she does specifically, I can't tell you because I really don't know. For all my questions, she usually answers: "Mom, you can not tell ahead!" She writes songs with different producers, works in clubs in London, but a little. Sometimes there are touring.

- With such pace, she can also overtake mom ...

- She has long overtaken mom. Now she must overtake world stars!

- How does mom and artist help the growing star?

- How can I help you? Moral only. My advice is not even needed. And the level of its vocal training is already such that I do not even know how it is done! Music material is completely different. Everything, in general, she does herself. It is hard for her, but herself.

- Does it already earn herself?

- earns little while. (Laughs.)

- You all told you were with my daughter girlfriends. Are you preserved such relationships?

"We always found a common language, even when I, as a mother, insisted on something, and daughters wanted completely different. And now I am pleased with it. She is clever, beauty. The most important thing is smart. Pupil, talented and with education - what I wanted. And it is still early to talk about achievements in the profession. Let it seeks the result for years.

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