Eco-friendly clothing - new trend


In the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, fifth weekend ecomodes were held. Garden visitors on the Peace Avenue became happy witnesses of unusual shows of fashion designers who adhere to ecology in tissues and production. Guests of the weekend ecomodes were able to fully enjoy the flowering garden, creative show, find out what ecology is and how to save it. Metropolitan weather, fortunately, did not change the plans and did not frighte the guests. As a result, shows, as planned, passed into a greenhouse with tropical plants.

Designers presented eco-novelties

Designers presented eco-novelties

"The combination of beauty and careful attitude towards nature is the inevitable future of all mankind. Before humanity is a challenge - learn to live in harmony with nature. Eco Fashion is a piece of the future world that we are building in Russia. We give all the eodizainers the opportunity to imagine the vision of this beautiful future.

Eco-friendly clothing is now trend

Eco-friendly clothing is now trend

Many major European companies have long abandoned the use of natural fur and leather. The number of people who think about environmental issues is growing all over the world. With the help of ecomodes, we want to show the beautiful component of the extraction in Russia. Our goal is to promote ecomodes in Russia, "the heads of the project Rusecomoda Marina Solovyov and Marina Kokorina shared with

Many large European companies have long refused to use natural fur and leather

Many large European companies have long refused to use natural fur and leather

As it turned out, now three things in the trend: designers, when creating their clothing collections, use certified fabrics: biolen, bioclopok, bosher; Create things from the analogs of the leather and natural fur - Ecomech and eco-tree, the combed dog's wool, from which woolen fabric is made, and also totals for the preservation of traditional ethnic techniques of all nations.

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In their opinion, the modern world provides an opportunity to be beautiful without causing harm to animals, and technology make it possible to copy natural materials, such as fur and skin, without prejudice to their quality.

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For participation in Eco Fashion Weekend, designers of various styles and directions were chosen - from clothes for pregnant and nursing mothers to retro style clothes. Among them are Indigira, Aniskina and others. By the way, a similar Fashion show is already in Might and main in Vancouver, in Cyprus and in London.

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By the way, they were not frightened by showers and came to appreciate the eco-fashion actress Lyubava Greshinov and her husband and a colleague Mikhail Wheat.

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