How to learn to manage a man?


Remember the beauty-wondrus "Olesya" of the great church? Illiterate grandmas for a couple of centuries ago threw it with stones for being studied today in any university on psychology or jurisprudence as neurolynguistic programming. The writer Lena Lenin released a new version of the audio book "NLP Men". In it, she explains how some NLP technologies can be applied to managing men at home. Slebny lioness shared secrets of magical management of their own husbands. At the same time, Lenin itself assures that her book has nothing to do with witchcraft: "I call for the use of science! The classical neurolinguistic programming is based on the psychotherapeutic model of the American scientist Milton Erikson, actively practicing hypnosis in medicine. The main secret of his clinical studies - and let them burn me on the fire as a sorceress - that every woman can safely use hypnosis to in love with men or manage at home. For administration to Trans Erickson used behaviors templates that are perfectly applicable in marital relations. For example, sustained by alternating valid and desired. First, in a sincere conversation with a man, it is necessary to list obvious circumstances that a man can easily submit. You can tell him, for example, that he stands next to you, his hands hug your waist, out of the oven smells a cookie with cinnamon, a pleasant melody of Brahms is quiet and ... He understands that love overwhelms your bodies. The last moment is an explicit element of suggestion, but also with the obvious first, he will easily believe in reality and the last circumstance. Or a complex-composite suggestion, involving the binding of various proposals with the help of the Union "and", which is also perfect for both unbagging and to maneuvering failures. For example: "Let's buy my mother's necklace!" And on his perturbed: "How much can you please a woman who still calls me a fool" add: "Well, then we will give her money, let him choose a gift herself." Such suggestion helps to create a causal relationship between two different elements. For example: "Put, cute, my arm on my chest, feel your heart beats, and you know how we love a friend's friend." The Union "and" is good and in another form of suggestion called "Double Task". In it, two prescriptions are connected by the Union in one, as if these tasks were inextricably linked with each other and even logically flow out one of the other. For example: "Dear, let's play tennis and discuss how you stop giving seague to debt." But the indirect suggestion of the assumption is based on what is expected, but what they do not speak directlyFor example, Mom makes the baby have vegetables. She does not ask whether the child will be vegetables, because all normal children will answer "no" not only from dislike for vegetables, but by virtue of the acquisition of the contradiction of adults. Therefore, the tricky mother should ask: "Will you be boiled carrots or polka dots?" While the stupid baby is busy with the choice, Mom is rejoicing the result, which is not what kind of vegetables choose Choo, but that the child will still have them.

As elements of suggestion are good and stereotypes. Such, which no one disputes, are so obvious. A couple of such stereotypes mentioned in the conversation, and the man will easily swallow any adoption following them. Examples of such stereotypes can be any tribalities like "Love is", "loving well together", "sex should be only with a loved one." Do not forget to impenetrately indicate yourself. Such a fixation will work perfectly in his subconscious.

Another very thin influence tool is a paradoxical negative suggestion. It uses the psychological feature of the non-perception of the negative particle "not". A classic example of ineffective advertising: "A man will not look ridiculous in this pajamas." She repelled that potential buyers presented themselves ridiculous in this form. The request "Do not look at me" is actually a subconscious order to watch. "Do not love me so much", "did not hop me, I'm shy", "do not forget the keys" - these phrases are an ordinance of the opposite action. The reception is very effective. Phrase: "Do you calculate in cash or listing?" It assumes that the client has already decided to buy your product, although you still do not know. "Dear, we take a fox or beaver?" Although he is not yet sure of his hot desire to buy a fur coat, he can get into this trap.

You can ask the pretty neighbor if heating has included in the house, because you like to sleep without linen. He will present you naked, and this picture will stand in front of his eyes for quite a long time, which will greatly facilitate the process of seduction. An excellent element of manipulation is also a phrase consisting of pseudological structures using revolutions, like "than, topics." For example: "The longer we communicate, the more we love each other." You can inspire what you need, lifying the pastime options for an expensive guest, which you had the opportunity to call for dinner: "You could watch TV in the living room, while I cook, or drink a glass, or listen to music, or just enjoy your happiness to be visited With me alone. " At the same time, important accents can be emphasized by voice, pause or intonation. And here is still setting up for the desired wave: "Hello! Before you feel a buzz from communicating with such a cool woman, like me, let's get around. "

Erickson's suggestion methods and Lenin Lenin - a wonderful and diverse mechanism of launching the necessary programs for seduction and tied men by means of a delicate effect on their subconscious.

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