5 signs of a man who needs just sex


You get acquainted with a cool man, but torments a vague doubt in the purity of his intentions. You feel that the trajectory of his communication is clearly directed towards bed. If the purpose of these relationships is not naked sex, and something more and high, it is better to immediately understand whether your calculations match the cavalier calculations.

Today, I, Love-Coach No. 1 in the world in recognition of the American Award Idate Awards, a female trainer, an expert on the selection of an ideal pair for marriage and relationship, I will help you bring to the clean water of classical Casanov, who, having been on your pillow, then not screaming You pour on it and bitter tears.

Julia Lansk

Julia Lansk

Wan, what do you think?

All men want sex - this is a fact. Perhaps, it is not necessary to blame this in this, and the nature, evolution, genetics, etc. and be sure: a man who cares for you, has already represented you in bed with me.

There is nothing wrong. Poor can only be that that's all he represents with you.

There are several obvious signs of a man with whom not to see a serious relationship. Meet 5 "Lacmus" of a true lifting, for which women are only dolls for the joy.

one. Sticky familiarity and quick transition to "you". "You are my sweet, what are your cheeks, so I would eat you, and the figure - saliva drip." The phrases like these assets and are pronounced, at least tea without sugar under them. A real gentleman, even if he has a head from you, is quite able to keep his emotional impulses. It gives decent compliments, and not those that are lipped to the ears of sugar wool. And if the man, not Creven, rather turns to the "you", then he is subsequently much easier to destroy the situation so that he will quickly "in the corner of the tops." Take one simple phrase: "You sleep with me, baby!", Which he says to a voter, looking straight into your eyes. At "You", such communication is not that it will not work, but even to squeeze it a man much more difficult.

2. Inappropriate touch. He, as if in a lacker touches your shoulders, wrists, seeks to take a handle, whispers in the eye so close that you warmed up from his breath. So he checks your reaction as much as you are positive about this. If your body responds positively, the starting shot is given to your Bastille's assault. It begins to blooming hands: you will not notice how he already strokes your hips, trying to hug behind the waist, attach to himself and touch the most tantamies. Such a game is better to gently and categorically preventing the root, but without aggressive and indignant wondering. Give him to understand that you are like a museum exhibit - contemplate, but do not touch.

3. Invitation to places where tactile contact is inevitable. For example, a skating rink (where it turns out that one of you suddenly does not own skill), riding a horse (where it will raise, will support or plunder from behind), club or disco (where and so everything literally rubs on each other) - this is an obvious mousetrap where the violation of the personal space is in the order of things. Everything will look very innocently, but if it is one of the first meetings with him, then be alert. And if he "from clean motives" supports that, then there, and sometimes it is helpful to shit in an oakha - consider it a deferred prelude, the sex mechanism is already running.

Avoid inappropriate touches

Avoid inappropriate touches

Photo: unsplash.com.

four. Invitation on a date next to your "Laor". And especially unceremonious names and right there. Classic: Drown, fed and ... Relax put! And myself is row, sleep is to guard. Very comfortably. Come across and those who suggest a visit. Why go to the cafe - there is noisy, do not speak. This is clearly not a cake, it wants, he is interested, sorry, another loaf. And if you are not ready to treat the uninvited guest, give up an unplanned visit. The gentleman will not make their way to the territory of the woman, and certainly - immediately drag on your own. The same applies to the elemental picnics-kebabs in the country, where, with the most unpleasant reversal of events, it is difficult to avoid sex, and from a man to escape.

five. Sex rehearsal. A man is trying to convince that it is primarily important in sex compatibility. That is, it will persuade you to start the "bottom" relationship, and if everything goes as it should (what is it more than confident), then you will be expecting a beautiful far away with him. He will knock on the chest that he feels like a soul fiber that you are his type and that you will have wonderful children. The veiled option is an entry through expensive gifts, mental torments in SMS, knightly actions, after which you just can't refuse him. In fact, this is an attempt to buy you.

Start the horse on the race: 4 killer his libido is here and now

Your interlocutor already hits with hoof, hardly does not dive you in the neckline, but ... you like it! How to cool it with dust, stay at the height and continue communication? There are several correct ways to lead a man with sex themes and postpone proximity:

one. Woman laughs, a man does not want. Old good humor to help you: jokes, funny stories from the experience of girlfriends, jokes are guaranteed to cool your cavalier, especially if his intentions are very serious. He calls you "in the corner", and you giggle over it, we tear up, Balagurish - he is in a stupor! And even though scientists say that the endorphic nature of sex and laughter is approximately the same, humor - a cunning enemy for proximity. The benefit of this method is that when you cheerful and easy, a man will save sympathy to you. But having sex will be having sex.

2. "From the point of view of banal erudition ..." The method of switching a conversation from the bottom chakra to the upper one excellently works. When you start talking about the sublime, affect smart, serious topics - for example, scientific facts, economy, art, secular news, culture - the blood of a man sticks to the head again. Massive his intellect, let him get a mental orgasm. Togo and look, with him all time!

3. "Schurdnitsy". When the situation, together with the desire of a man, has already been shaking, gently change the topic of conversation, even if it came to the sex. "I will reveal this secret to you on the seventh dating, or even on the tenth," the playful intrigue, followed by a completely different topic (it is possible that you discussed at the beginning of the conversation). - "By the way, remember, you told me ....? I wanted to ask you / clarify ... "and smoothly translate the arrow of the conversation in a completely different direction.

four. You are the ideal! Men are great compliments lovers. Attacking his win-win praise: "You know, you are so worthy, a serious man. You are my ideal! You care so cool, I'm so glad you met. After all, it is like this - worthy, intelligent, self-respecting woman - I imagined you. Am I not right?" The main thing is that in this replica flashed a hint that he is serious that he is a knight with pious intentions capable of high feelings, and not falling only on carnal joy, like most men these days. A rare cavalier after such words will dare to put himself with antipode. On the contrary, he will try to confirm what heard about himself. Bingo!

Sex is beautiful. But he is still more beautiful with the man who enjoys you and without him

Sex is beautiful. But he is still more beautiful with the man who enjoys you and without him

Photo: unsplash.com.

Beauty, I want you ... to please!

Someone will ask why men are shy? Why give out their attraction for admiration? Let's look at it with a male perspective: you want only sex, will you tell me about this woman directly? Do not even play the captain's evidence. Casanov know that with women jumping in bed, which is called, from the first notes is rare, like Thunder in winter. Therefore, they enter the path proven, playing on feelings and emotions for the sake of cunning intent.

If you learned in one of the items of a new acquaintance, rejoice and thank the providence that came across this article. The main thing is not to try to convince yourself that he is good that you can "tame it", and it will certainly change. With such everything ends equally - on the pillow, which I spoke at the beginning.

Keep your hormones on a short leash: if it falls "in the apple" already on 1-2 dates, then do not be surprised that he will take you for a woman for a couple of nights. And more so, do not be surprised that in a short time it melts a beautiful bedtle in the morning.

Sex is beautiful. But he is still more beautiful with the man who enjoys you and without him. With a man who trust, who appreciates and respects. Therefore, let your personal borders be strong and fall only before the most worthy, reliable and honest man.

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