Igor Zhizhikin: "On the shooting, we have a novel with Jennifer Garner"


A courageous, brutal, washed with halyol of Hollywood Glory, Igor Zizhikin likes the ladies. Even Stephen Spilberg himself, with whom our hero was lucky to work, called him "the best bad guy." In his background, four marriages, and, as an actor admits, the more you are successful, the harder it is to find sincere, real relationships.

Igor is one of the few Russian actors who managed to make a successful career first in Hollywood, and then at home. He starred in such famous directors as Stephen Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Florian Henkel, and his partners on the set were world stars. Perhaps the most signage of his work was the role of Colonel Dovchenko in the picture "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" - the douse of the Colonel doll was created. From his life, his life resembles a famously swirling filmcenery. A future actor was born in an ordinary Moscow family, she was preparing to go in the footsteps of the Father and to enter the Institute of Communications. But being in the army, I got acquainted with the guys from the circus, and it turned his life. In 1989, Igor and colleagues went to the US tour - and there remained there. Does the chain of accidents led him to success or was it all predetermined? Randomly hitting the rehearsal of the ENTER OF THE NIGHT show, I liked the producers, then received a major role in the Jubilee musical, starred in advertising. Again, accidentally met in one of the nightclubs with producer Ted Fox, he invited himself in his film ... Probably, the main thing is, Igor's character. Man he is a purposeful, open for new sensations and emotions. And we met at the cafe near the metro station "Airport", where the childhood of our hero passed.

- This is my native area, you can say the generic nest. I was born here, grew. After the war, my grandparents settled in the barracks on the side of the street. Neighbors were like a big family. Then the barracks broke, built Khrushchev in their place. But in every entrance and on each floor I had a uncle, aunt and just familiar. I remember, in childhood I shouted from the window: "Igor, where did you get? Will you fall, "people who were not my relatives. Everyone with each other looked after, helped. And in front of the house there was a stadium CSKA, where one day Mom translated me across the road for the handle, and there I trained all the school years. So someone from my buddies became Shpa, and I am an athlete.

- Someone from those people left here, who remembers you by the yard kap?

- I dont know. Probably. Now I live on the other side of the Leningrad Prospect. But sometimes I go to my homes. I myself do not really remember anyone, a lot of water has flowed. But it does not matter. The creative area, there are many artists, actors, circus artists.

Igor Zhizhikin:

To perform in the "Circus du Soleil" was very prestigious, especially Russian artist

Photo: Personal archive Igor Zizhkin

- Remembering those years when you were preparing to enter the Moscow Institute of Communications, could you assume that life would give such a steep turn and will make you completely into another sphere?

- Of course not. Some fracture in the mind occurred in the army when I met with circus artists. They had such a bright, interesting life! In addition, then it was extremely difficult to leave the Soviet Union abroad. And the circus gave this opportunity in the form of foreign tour. Therefore, I decided not to miss my chance.

- Did you dream of watching?

- And who did not want to break out of the scoop at that time? Although in Bulgaria, even in Poland. And the world to see, and at least some decent things to buy. Plus, the work is interesting, which constantly keeps himself in good shape, in good physical form. I was an aerial gymnast - they do not relax, the fool does not be sick.

- Are you an adventurer in character warehouse?

- Was. With age has become more stable. But still naphthalein I do not like, I need change in life. And before, I was generally for any boiz. (Laughs.) Therefore, it remained in America. When I found himself in Las Vegas, this is a fantastic city, where everything in motion, where so much a variety of shows, I thought that it was necessary to stay here. For some reason, I was sure that I could also find applying my abilities.

- In the homeland, you were an artist of the popular circus show "Air Flight Vadim Stankeev", and here nobody knew you ...

- I have never been afraid to start from scratch, change the lifestyle. The first time, being in America, I was bent, slept in the parks on the bench, was a homeless thing. He worked as a lawn mower, a bouncer in the bar. But then fate smiled. I was invited to the popular American Jubilee Music, where I had the main role of Samson. And I got there very good money. But when I was offered to work in the "Circus du Soleil", left without hesitation, although they were paid three times less. Because these are new features. And after a few years I changed the circus to the acting profession.

With Hollywood actor Danny Triho

With Hollywood actor Danny Triho

Photo: Personal archive Igor Zizhkin

- That is, when the "Air Flight" producer threw the troupe without money in a stranger country, it did not become shock for you? You could call friends, take money to the ticket.

- Many did, returned. And then the SoyuzGosirk already acquired us all the tickets, but I decided to stay. What shock? When you twenty-three years old, you look at the world widely open eyes. Each learned word in English, every new show, meeting with an interesting person is joy. And it did not matter what you have for dinner. And whether he will be at all at all.

- When I read your biography, the first thought was: a good plot for filmceneuria ...

- This is if we talk about me, a separate guy from Russia. And in fact, everyone has such amazing stories that you can shoot a movie. In the picture "Indiana Jones" we worked with Harrison Ford. He, for example, told that before becoming an actor, was a carpenter.

- But you did not put such a goal - to break into Hollywood? Everything happened by chance. Good familiar Ted Fox invited to a small role in the film "Monkey Work ..."

- I thought I would find myself somewhere in the show business, in the circus show, maybe I will become a coach. I shot a lot in advertising. But when thanks to Teda played his first little role in the movies, then I realized that I really like it. Ted Fox, with whom I subsequently collaborated, advised: "Do not lose time, go learn." And while I worked in the "Circus du Soleil", I studied at the acting school of Nevada. Maybe from the side and it seems that everything was smooth and easy, but in fact it is not.

- That is, you can't call yourself a wealth of fate?

"Actually, confess, I'm lucky." I think someone leads me on this path. And when there were heavy moments, I always saved something. Or the project was offered interesting, or the person needed. There were failures when I turned out to be without work, without money. Vacuum: Sit, do not know what to do. But you need to get used to it. While you did not become a megazvera, in Hollywood: that is thick, then empty. You go through the castings, knock on different doors. And then - Baz, somewhere heats.

Igor and Natalia got married in Las Vegas and lived together eight years

Igor and Natalia got married in Las Vegas and lived together eight years

Photo: Personal archive Igor Zizhkin

- You were lucky to work with Stephen Spielberg. And you told you knew his family. Did you have so close relationship?

- How can you not know the family? The year was filmed! Both wives, and children of actors repeatedly came to the set. For all this time, everyone managed to repel. Spielberg is a very sociable person, immediately presented his relatives: "This is my wife, my daughter, son." He knew everything about my family, was always interested in how Mom, as her health, what she was doing. Once they even talked on the phone. Mom, of course, did not understand anything, but I said that this is one of the great modern directors. I was surprised that he remembered some moments of the biography of people with whom he worked. Once spoke about someone from the actors, he says: "And you know what parents he has good!".

- That is, this is his style of communication?

- This is the style of communication of people who actually achieved something in life. On the film "Tourist" I worked with Florian Henkel, the director who received Oscar for the "life of others." He is from the richest family of Austrian aristocrats who drove friendship with the first persons of the state. And I am amazed that he equally friendly communicated with such stars as Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, and with any person from the film crew, without making differences. Very placed to myself. It turns out that these Austrian aristocrats have such a principle: the higher the position it is to take, one should be closer to the people.

- Probably, you were very funny when you came to Moscow and saw a lot of pathos at the naked place.

- I am now periodically laughing. There is such a right.

- Did you have a temptation with something to teach colleagues on the set, remember some Hollywood story?

- About this period of biography of me and so everything is asked. And to teach - no, the temptation did not arise. Actors - Wound people, give advice is dangerous. (Laughs.) In fact, I myself have something to learn from many of my Russian colleagues. I was just lucky that I starred in big pictures from large directories. And there is a million talented people who have not so successfully for creative fate. What I have the right to teach someone.

- Man you are not poor now ...

"All relatively, but, thank God, yes, I can already afford to be filmed in those projects that interest me." It used to otherwise.

Kate Blanchett Igor admired not only as an actress, but also as a woman

Kate Blanchett Igor admired not only as an actress, but also as a woman

Photo: Personal archive Igor Zizhkin

- And at the end of April, a new Russian film will be released with your participation "to fix". You play businessman assistant. What did this role give you a professional plan?

- This is a comedy role! With my brutal appearance, I am not so often offered to be filmed in comedies. My character, of course, is also brutal, but also funny. And I hope that if I managed to show what I wanted, it would be an expansion of my acting opportunities.

- What are you remembered by shooting?

- I got a concussion of the brain. I accidentally drove the chair on the head when we shot the scene of fights in a nightclub. I fought there with a whole company of doded bikers. I also damaged my shoulder. According to the script, I had to jump from the steamer passing along the river. These are vivid memories. (Laughs.) And if seriously, the shooting was remembered for fun. The comedy is always very cool and great because it is possible to pry. Let even with a serious face.

- Do you watch movies with your participation?

- Not. I hate to observe yourself on the screen and in general it is very critical about your work. It always seems to me that I somehow played badly, I could better. I look only at the premiere, there is nowhere to go. (Laughs.) And I try to slowly snatch when the light is turned off. I already come to the end of the film and observe the reaction of the hall. If it is positive, then I can see this movie already.

"After returning home, probably felt like a foreigner?" Much has changed here.

- At first, yes, felt. But then you used. In fact, quite quickly assimilated. Especially if there are good friends and you are offering an interesting job. This is the most important thing - to be in demand. When you sit for a long time without work, you just fall into depression. I think most of the actors are so.

- Do you have any hobbies to brighten the expectation during unemployment periods?

- I have a sports club under the side. I go there and I can spend two hours on the treadmill. In the bath you will go up - also helps. Communication with relatives saves from depression. I went to the sister to visit, I sat with my mother, got out of friends somewhere. But the feeling of life tone gives work. When it is, and have fun nice. Waiting for a weekend to go somewhere in the restaurant to sit, light in a nightclub. And when you do not work, I don't want to go anywhere.

- Do you still ignite in nightclubs?

- In my age, they will be lit - it means to reach the nightclub, and then - how does the suit go. (Laughs.) I can light on the sofa all evening, watching how people dance. And I can go to the dance floor, I am a fairly movable guy.

"You played with such beautiful women as Angelina Jolie, Kate Blanchett." Have any romantic feelings arise?

- Oh, Kate is my favorite woman. In fact, I am not only like an actress admire, I was generally crazy about her. Really fell in love! You can say this is my female ideal. At the Cannes Festival, I admitted to her in his feelings. He drank a little. And I say: "Katya, I love you!". She: "Igor, I, too." I: "You did not understand, I love you truly!" (Laughs.)

- But did the novel happen to you?

- Not. At that time she was already married, she had two children, and she was waiting for the third. Said: "Eh, Igor, where were you before!"

- So you liked Hollywood beauties?

- I liked, why not, I am tall, pretty, interesting. (Laughs.) We even had a romantic relationship with Jennifer Garner. We shot together in the series "Spyware" - this is one of her first paintings. And then she was not yet married to Ben Affleck.

- In relations with women, the initiative always comes from you?

- No, not from me. If someone liked me, I must immediately feel the reverse reaction. See that she also has interest to me. Then I am ready to develop relationships. And if the girl begins to play some kind of games, demonstrate the outstanding inaccessibility, I disappear to communicate further.

- You had four marriages. First with an American named brand to gain citizenship. The second wife was a partner on the musical Lisa, the third wife - the Russian emigrant Natalia, about the fourth to tell nothing. And now, when you are asked about personal relationships, say that it has become very difficult to find a woman.

- Yes it is. I do not believe the female representatives at all.

- Why?

"I think that a woman needs to look for not in Moscow." In any city outside the capital, people are much more sincere in their feelings. Moscow is a place where mercantile people come from all over the country who want any way to conquer their place under the sun. Moreover, most of these girls have no special talents. In addition to the spectacular appearance, which they use to find a wealthy cavalier. It happens that the girl is still meeting with someone and chooses for himself the best option. And the best is not in love, but financially. And I, if I fall in love, I open my heart. I need to know what they love me, they believe in me. And when I understand that they are about me just consumer, I want to shrank, to God.

- Maybe pay attention to the girls more modest, not model appearance?

- What we are talking about? I am generally a home. I go somewhere with friends extremely rare. And specially I do not ride in Moscow in search of women. No such goal. How lucky.

Igor Zhizhikin:

The roles in the comedies are infrequently offered, so he is removed there with pleasure. Picture "All Fix"

Photo: Personal archive Igor Zizhkin

- By the way, many now get acquainted on the Internet.

- Not. Internet is not my option. I have already broken with this several times. Solid deception, exconed photo. Sometimes between the profile in social networks and the real person - a huge abyss. There were also crazy ladies. Very wanted to get acquainted live, Donimali requests for a meeting. I say: "No, please do not, nothing will work. Only the time is in vain. " I immediately understand that this is not my man. So no, she changed the profile, hanged other photos, came on the other side. Okay, agreed to meet. I come - the same is the most special, which took me last year: "Press, this is me." "So what?" - I ask. "I just wanted to see you." - "Well, I saw. Thanks for the fact that I lost a few hours of life. " Fell in the car and left. So for me - only personal communication. Yes, and personal does not always justify expectations. Moscow, as I said, in this regard is a very sample city. Even leaving for shooting in Peter, I understand that there are completely different people, much kinder.

- What is your status now?

- I'm in creative search. (Laughs.) Not so long ago, I started a new relationship, but how they will develop, time will tell.

- The most beloved of your wives was Natalia?

- Now I can not say so. After our parting, I fell in love a couple of times very much. And experiences were, and disappointment. And with Ntashka we are good friends. Soon I fly to Los Angeles on the samples, and we will definitely meet with her, we will communicate. The most important thing is to preserve warm, human relationships and after the marriage ended.

- Why didn't you have children? You have lived eight for eight.

- The young were, career was engaged. Perhaps if there were children, everything could work out otherwise. I am a very responsible person, for me the family is holy.

- Are you from those people who live today, or are trying to build strategic plans?

- Probably today. I am such a transcription in life. Earned money, flew somewhere, wanted to relax, have fun. Probably because there are no children, families, not tied to anyone. I already would like to get involved, save for the future, buy at home. But not yet folds.

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