Autumn 2019: Horoscope for all zodiac signs


Retrograde Mercury went to rest until October 31, so we boldly buy equipment, we sign contracts, change the place of work, go on dates.

Jupiter again becomes directly and is ready to improve Lviv, Sagittarov, Aries, Lviv, Aquarius, Lviv, Aquarius, Affairs. Wide opportunities are opening for you, do not be afraid to seem like an attachment: the more Ponte, the more goodness will bring you this period.

Retrograde Saturn will slow down business and remind of karmic tasks. It is worth remembering to calves, cancer, twins (tangible changes in personal life, Saturn will test marriage / relationship for strength).

Retrograde uranium - this is where surprises will occur. Aquarius, Lions, Virgin, Tales, Scorpions, Capricorn, Fish, get ready to part with the old and go to meet a new one, do not sit on the spot, otherwise the event row will push you out from there, where it was warm, and you will not be ready for it.

Retrograde Neptune is about past relations, about unfulfilled hopes, about returning loved ones. The attention of all crayfish, scorpions, fish, stallers.

Retrograde Pluto - Rebirth, Transformation, Condition Before and After Aries, Crayfish, Scales, Scorpions, So, if you suddenly felt ailment, problems with the musculoskeletal system, you are overcome by fears, obsessive thoughts, know that it's time to change all your Life, burn all the old, talked and grow up a new one, no matter how painfully it was.

Julia Greenman

Julia Greenman


Aries. If you have not been lucky for a long time in money and love, the autumn period is your time, provided that you turn on the "Sprinter" button and you will break through all your head. Already in October, wait for a new lightning meeting, which can lead to the beginning of very serious changes in your life.

Calf. It's time to say goodbye to the bachelor life. Let the new novel in your life, since you worked well since January 2019. For someone, this accumulated capital, for someone it was a purchase of housing, a new repairs. Family couples can be wondering about the child. Working questions Try to decide before October. Be careful with your surroundings, your friends can show themselves in all its glory.

Twins. It's time to get rid of unnecessary trash, remove unnecessary people from life, to include "responsibility" mode, only in this case, luck will be visited. Any values ​​of the autumn take as signs above, do not cling to the old one.

Cancer. Something and someone can destroy your plans, so we go to the energy and embody the conceived until the end of September. Relationships in a pair can give a crack, or you will have many thoughts that will interfere with sleeping. Long wanted to move - boldly embody the dream. If spiritual discomfort is disturbed, then go to the excavation of your soul to the therapist.

A lion. Karmous senders surround you since the end of the summer until the end of autumn. Do not oppose innovations, do not discard new acquaintances and opportunities. Long wanted to be independent? Now the Universe is ready to help you, self-teaching gifts in hand. Your task is to get a bag and fold. Someone knocks on your door from the past, bolder ...

Virgo. Changes in self-realization, it is time to close the topic "SSARE ALL AND ALL" and send energy to their desires. Uranus will help all those who are not afraid to leave the comfort zone. Be careful with health. If autumn felt ailment, do not run to the doctor, look around and ask: "Where am I? What am I doing? What is it for me? "

Libra. This fall should not be waiting for the stars from heaven just like that beautiful smile. Only diligence and desire will help you catch good luck. The most important thing is not to stop believing yourself, whatever happens around. September need to devote to its income, you may find new channels for profit. A love theme stretches with you since March, by the end of the autumn you already need to decide - together hand in hand or every expensive. On two chairs, it is rare who manages to stop.

Julia Greenman advises this fall to say goodbye to the old and start a new

Julia Greenman advises this fall to say goodbye to the old and start a new


Scorpio. Love topics can break your peace, you and so all your life worry, and now it will be even harder to hide your emotions. Stay, ground, try to see not a common picture, and look in detail, then you can give an objective assessment of what is happening. Try not to miss the chances of promoting at work and the growth of your finances because of the offense at the partner, do not leave deeply in suffering - they will end. Someone from the past will help you calm your mental alarms. Change circle communication.

Sagittarius. Summer for you was a peak of self-knowledge, now it's time to realize that you hid so long. Since now you are ready for adoption, everything will become open and understandable to you. October and November will bring the fruits of your ideas, do not lose your optimism and your curiosity, go to your fears with decisive steps.

Capricorn. Do not leave in the fall, now it is very important to defend your borders and understand all the problems accumulated over the summer. Do not hurry, otherwise the rapid steps will play a keen joke with you. This fall universe gives you the ability to see and feel people, do not miss the moment, then you can use it for yourself.

Aquarius. In September, try to count on yourself. The fact that you are used to seeking help to others, this time can turn into failures. Do not be afraid to go through the uncharted track - now the best time to find yourself, let go in risks. Explore new perspectives, engage in self-education. At the end of September, wait for you to notice and appreciate your efforts.

Fish. It's time to breed with his hands Pink Fleur, who lasted you thanks to Neptune's energies. In each area of ​​your life, autumn will require responsibility, if something went wrong, it means that the pink glasses were not fully removed and the decision was not fully decided to be an independent, solid person. And yes, separate where your fantasies, and where are your actions. It is time to go doing things, and not just talking about the conceived. Take care of your body - October carries energy to promote health. Be vigilant with the older generation.

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