Women's weakness Margaret Thatcher


In the people, she received the nickname "Iron Lady". For a strong will, inexperienced nature and loyalty to his beliefs. Margaret Thatcher became the first in the history of Europe a woman - Prime Minister. She headed the government when the country was on the verge of disaster. He delivered inflation for tight control, limited the power of trade unions, reduced social assistance programs and reduced the influence of the state in the market sphere. Dozens of books are written about her political career, films were removed. But Maggie's personal life, as her British called, a little known. What was it outside of his legendary office on Downing Street, 10?

Daughter Margaret, Carol, became a journalist. At one time, her book "For Parapet" made a lot of noise. In her, the girl recalled that her mother was always at work - even in bed and in the soul. With any important call, some of the ministers she "took a domineering appearance" and "went to work". Carol with bitterness compared the Family nest of Thatcher with a huge closet of freezer, completely devoid of love. Probably Margaret was unpleasant to read these lines in which, alas, there was a share of truth. While she left his head into political activities, nanny and husband were engaged in her children. He, industrialist Denis Thatcher, once without memory, fell in love with this woman with a firm character, lived life in the shadow of her popularity. At the public events always held three steps behind - as it should be on the protocol. Biographers wrote that Marghi was married to settlement. After all, it is thanks to the money of her husband, the Iron Lady was able to receive legal education, to take advantage of lawyer practice and pay the electional struggle for a place in the community chamber. That is, at first glance and in the family, Lady-politician was a kind of sugar: cold, powerful, deprived of human emotions. But, perhaps, it was just an armor, a mask, so that no one could recognize her weaknesses?

Family Margaret Thatcher

Family Margaret Thatcher

Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

Father's daughter

Maggie was born in the city of Granham, in the family of Bakaleshchik Alfred Roberts. The apartment where the family lived, was located right above the store, and it did not have a toilet or hot water. The childhood of the future star of British politics was, just say, not sugar. The girl often stood at the counter, earning her first money. And then, being the prime minister, she knew them the price: Once Thatcher refused to spend money taxpayers for an ironing board for the needs of government household services. She bought it from its own funds. In school, Margaret was considered very gifted, but at the same time and a rare ulcer. For the sharp tongue, classmates even called her Maggie toothpick. In addition to the main classes, the future "Iron Lady" attended the lessons of playing the piano, hockey on the grass, courses of poetic skill and swimming. She just adored her father, and it seemed to her that he knew absolutely everything. Although Roberts finished only primary school, he tried all his life to fill the gaps, engaged in self-education. Together with the daughter, they were regular visitors to the city library, where they took two books for a week to read them in turn. He put her interest in politics.

In 1945, Roberts was elected by the mayor of Granham, and he drove daughter at the meeting of the city council, where Maggie acquired the first experience of political debate and witty debate. Apparently, subconsciously Alfred tried to form a semblance of a son who never had, and inspired her tough principles of behavior from his daughter. "Never do anything only for the reason that your friends do. Never follow the crowd just because you are afraid to look dislike. " He exalted the merits of hard work, and all biographers of the British Prime Minister argue that from early years she was distinguished by an extraordinary goal and even stubbornness. She was nine when she ranked first in the school competition of poetic skill. Awarding the winner, the director noted: "How lucky you are, Maggie." What did the answer received: "No, I deserved it!". Later, seeing the fruits of his upbringing, Alfred Roberts himself was forced to admit that Margaret was 99.5 percent - perfection, and the missing half-footage is, alas, the lack of heartiness.

But the lady-politician, famous for his disadvantage and stiffness, was confessed in the interview with British television in 1980: "I'm not hard, I am horrifyingly soft. But I will never give myself to pour yourself. I intolerable to feel that someone wants to send me anywhere against my desire ... I am the leader of the flock. But what is this leader, if he does not lead a flock behind him? ". That is what the father would once be suggested: "Do not follow, and lead." And she really wanted dad to be proud of her.

Maggie adored to cook and every night was balung her husband with delicious dinners

Maggie adored to cook and every night was balung her husband with delicious dinners

Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

Love experiences

After graduating from school, Margaret filed a grant application to learn chemistry in Sommerville College Oxford - and was able to get it. Five years later, graduating a prestigious educational institution, she became a bachelor of natural sciences. Later he worked as a chemist and even contributed to the invention of a new, more "air" appearance of ice cream. But this is not the main thing. It was in College Maggie for the first time fell in love. Alas, these relationships brought her only bitter disappointment - her young man, the son of the graph, frightened threats to his relative to deprive his financial support. Pivot snobs seemed an outrageous idea of ​​a noble sibling union with a bachelorian daughter. The young man preferred not to go against the will of his relatives and refused love.

The next time Margaret decided not to fly so high and test a couple of middle class. Her chosen was the farmer-Scot. But, apparently, the guy frightened career ambitions and the latitudes of the views of the girl. Starting to care for Margaret, Cavalier unexpectedly switched to her sister Muriel. That was not very interested in politics, but it was well versed in outfits, cooking and homely comfort.

Denis Tatcher became the only husband Margaret. They met in 1948 on the very party conference, where her candidacy for participation in parliamentary elections was approved. Danis headed a well-established business for the production of paints, heard a convinced conservative, but did not have big political ambitions. At that time he was thirty-three years old, and he was ten years older than our heroine. Behind his shoulders have already been one marriage. By the way, his first wife was also called Margaret. Margaret Doris Kepson was a daughter of the industrialist and his first love. In the Church of St. Mary, they uttered the oath of loyalty to each other, but they separated the war. Returning to England in 1946, Denis learned very unpleasant news: his wife loved the other and asks a divorce. So with them from the second Margaret turned out to be something in common: both learned what betrayal of a loved one. In a volitional and intelligent woman, a colleague in party work, Danis fell in love with a glance. He worked very beautifully, and in 1951 they played a wedding.

Children - twins Carol and Mark - complained that in childhood they had little of love and affection. Mom was too busy career

Children - twins Carol and Mark - complained that in childhood they had little of love and affection. Mom was too busy career

Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

True friend

They said that on her part it was a marriage for the calculation and she hung up for money rich. But Thatcher always supported his "beautiful lady" and her ambitions, became her reliable rear and support - all fifty-two years old that they lived together. People who knew the married couple, argue that during family dinners, Danis always led the common conversation at the table. And usually, the eloquence of Margaret in his presence became silent and very peaceful, as if giving him the role of the first violin. And no one, except for her husband, did not succeed at three o'clock in the morning to break her working day with words: "Cute, let's go to sleep, you get up early!" And the "iron lady" heard, even if at this time talked with someone from very important people. It was Denis who saved his wife when she fell into her press in the press. The Sun newspaper called Thatcher "the most unpopular woman of Britain." Then Margaret headed the Ministry of Education. Its department reduced allocations, and Lady Minister found an emergency to raise the cost of school breakfasts. She also introduced a fee for milk, which was previously issued to children for free. It helped to save the amount of eight million pounds of sterling, which were aimed at learning. But the unpopular measure caused a storm of indignation in the country. Press died Margaret Thatcher "Milk's Answer", parents were outraged by her cruelty, the leiborists called the reactive. On people "Iron Lady" somehow kept. But at home ... we cried, sobbed, beat in hysterics. It was in the arms of her husband that she found a consolation, he gave it the necessary support. Worry for the health of his wife, Danis even demanded that she left politics at all. But together they coped with the situation.

The steel lady was not at all alien to small female weaknesses. For example, she loved outfits and always very beautiful and elegantly dressed. Her passion for unusual hats became a nominal. "I often sleep only an hour and a half, preferring to sacrifice sleep time to have a decent hairstyle," the lady-politician recognized. In the period of the election campaign, it took her to lose weight on nine kilograms, and in the press even appeared recommendations on dietary powered from Margaret Thatcher. By the way, she really loved to cook and did not refuse himself even after election to the post of Premiere. For her husband, she was preparing her husband every evening (!) Sometimes, and sometimes subordinate to the dishes of their own preparation.

Denis became a reliable support and rear for his wife. They lived together fifty two years

Denis became a reliable support and rear for his wife. They lived together fifty two years

Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

The first marriage of Denis was childless, so he really wanted kids. And Margaret went to meet him, although, probably, he already understood that her interests were concluded completely in the other. An approximate housewife and mother will not work out. In 1953, the twins Carol and Mark appeared. Already four months after their birth, their restless mother decided to engage in a lawyer, leaving the kids to the care of the nan. And later, political activity was added to this, which demanded all the time and attention from it.

Margaret committed himself with legal practice in 1961, becoming a permanent political figure, as well as "wife and Mother of Combining". As he herself wrote in memoirs, she gave her children exactly the time that wore them in themselves. The need to break between family and responsible work sometimes brought a woman to white cation, she constantly felt the guilt for being such a nicuddy mother. And if a loving husband belonged to her with suddenness and understanding, then the children could not forgive for the fact that the needs of the state were still for her in the first place. The daughter was very completely removed, and the son grew up an adventurer and a lover of light money. Later, Margaret confessed to his friend Lord Spencer, which, if she had the opportunity to live a life again, she would not go into politics. It is too adversely affected by the family.

But she never ceased to thank the fate for sending her a satellite of life. "Being the Prime Minister means always to be alone. In some sense it is correct: you can not control from the crowd. But next to Danis, I have never been alone. This is a person. This is a husband. This is a friend! " When Denis Thatcher went to the world of another, the "iron lady" for the first time asked for the first time in people, not embarrassed by the public.

Women's weakness Margaret Thatcher 19023_5

The role of Thatcher in the film "Iron Lady" performed the brilliant measure of Strip and received Oscar for it. But the most heroine did not like the picture

Photo: Frame from the film "Iron Lady"

After his death, her health was dramatically staggered. She survived several microinsults, serious failures began in memory. In recent years, the fact that many years led the Great Power, a little appeared in humans - she suffered from senile dementia. In 2012, Margaret suffered an operation to remove the tumor. And a year later, the eighth of April, it was not. The whole country gave her honor to her, the queen of Elizabeth II also expressed her condolences to her condolences. (At one time, she rewarded to the rank of Baroness.) But there was no one from Margaret near Margaret in the last minutes of life. Children, Carol and Mark, lived abroad, the only grandchildren - the children of Mark - were also in the distant Texas.

Once Margaret said: "Today, women have many opportunities to express themselves: some of us even manage countries. But speaking of honor, we are more ridicul than the bayonet. "

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