Boris Grebenshchikov took wives from their musicians


The current spring is known in the past American singer Joanna Stingera, who in the eighties lived for several years in St. Petersburg, published his photo archive. And the rock idols suddenly appeared completely different than they tried to seem for many years. So, Boris Grebenshchikov, this heavenly elf, soaring in other worlds, in many pictures - with a child in his arms, quite an earthly and affordable. On intricate matrixonial connections, breeding BG at once with several musicians of his group "Aquarium" - in today's investigation.

In one of the interviews, Boris Grebenshchikov, speaking that he promoted him to become a musician, honestly admitted: "I started playing to enjoy the girls. There would be no women - I would not do anything at all. " The leader "Aquarium" was not deprived of the attention of the ladies. Which in the pasts that now - around him is always full of fans, ready to follow him at least on the edge of the world. But for some reason the Grebelchikov himself preferred girls from the nearest environment. All three of his spouses before he officially legalized the relationship with them, were his best friends companions. Amazing fact: Involutionary wives, he managed to stay in good relations with their ex-husbands. Talent, not otherwise.

Do not cry, Alice

For the first time, Boris Grebenshchikov married in 1976. His wife became Natalia Kozlovskaya, which BG led by the Basist "Aquarium" Misha Finstein. The wedding was noted wide - in the Astoria restaurant, with the presence of a large number of guests. And local, St. Petersburg, and visitors - remember that the musicians of the friendly team "Time Machine" arrived from Moscow. They made friends thanks to Natalia. "The acquaintance began with the fact that Makarevich tried to seduce my wife and lead it to his number, but he had to pick me up with her and me. There we got drunk, my wife remained untouched, "told BG in the" True Autobiography "Aquarium" about his first meeting with the leader of the "Time Machine" at the Tallinn Festival of Rock Music in the 76th year.

However, there were no two years, as the relationship was broken. And when the spouses were born the daughter of Alice, BG and almost stopped to appear at home. Therefore, a girl, though he wore a loud surname of his father, almost did not see him. In addition, her mother again married her new spouse, Dmitry Ovechkin, practicing psychotherapist, and raised Alice. It is stepfather, and not a native father, engaged in the formation of a girl. After noting that she was interested, carefully directed in the right direction. He advised Alice to try himself as an actress.

Alice Grebenshchikova with Mom Natalia. She was the first wife of BG

Alice Grebenshchikova with Mom Natalia. She was the first wife of BG

Natalia Governorovova

Her debut in the film "American" Dmitry Meshieva became noticeable. Although there were few pictures, about the leading role (Alice then studied only in the second year of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art) wrote almost all the media. And precisely because of the speaker surname: Where did the daughter suddenly come from Rock Guru? Busy, but Alice's surname herself shied for a long time. At the beginning of his acting career, I was even going to take the pseudonym - Alice Ellmaa. And he looked into the passport desk with a question that should be done for this. But once he read an interview with Liza Boyarskaya, who proudly told about his family, and thought: why, in fact, she should be shy that her father is a legendary musician?

Today Alice Grebenshchikova is an independent creative person. At its account - more than fifty paintings, work in the entrepreneurs, Polyteratra Boykova and in "Practice". In his famous father, whom she forgiven, Alice seems not as often as I would like. Everyone has a saturated life, and they live in different cities. However, they are constantly in touch.

In the summer of 2008, Alice made Boris Grebenshchikov grandfather. Son Alesha actress brings up without her husband. Relations with the father of the child - Sergey Duduurnyan, were divided just at the moment when it became known: they will soon become parents. When, during the next scandal, Sergey threw "Leave", Alice silently gathered things and - let there be nowhere to go - left the house where was once happy. Now the actress is carefully hiding his personal life. But, apparently, she does not feel lonely: there are many loving people around it.

Andrei Makarevich and Boris Grebenshchikov met by Natalia Kozlovsk

Andrei Makarevich and Boris Grebenshchikov met by Natalia Kozlovsk

Mikhail Kovalev

Love on the roof

It can be said that Alice Grebenshchikova repeats the fate of his mother. After all, Natalia Kozlovskaya with Boris Grebenchikov began problems when he became aware of the hearism soon. After the birth of Alice, the spouse almost never lived together. Boris then preferred to spend the night at his friend, the Cellist of the Aquarium group of Vsevolod Gakkel. As it turned out later, the Grebelshchikov fled at the post to North not only because of the scandals of the house, and also for another reason.

... Vsevolod Gakkel - "Brunette Brunette with Blue Eyes" - also enjoyed popular with women. But it was entirely devoted to music. Even with his wife, the beauty of Lyudmila Shurygin - met only from time to time. Most of the day Seva dedicted rehearsals with the Aquarium, which did not contribute to the world and harmony in the family. When Seva was not at home, Lyudmila fought with his mother (in the literal sense of the word), and when a beloved ended the brain to him.

In the group, Luda did not complain for this reason. And the leader of the "Aquarium" and at all fell to her poorly hidden dislike. He even dedicated to his cellular spouse of his cellist: "If you were sugar, I would have caused the rain ... We would be better for everyone when you leave."

But both from love to hatred is one step, and in the opposite direction the way is very short. When Grebenshchikov, because of problems in the family, became increasingly spending the night at Gakkel, at some point he suddenly discovered that his friend's wife had and virtues ... Their connection was secret and vicious: Boris and Lyudmila (Bo and Liu, like They called themselves) they chose at night on the roof and, until Vsevolod slept peacefully in the room, they indulgered passion. Husband, as it happens, I learned about everything almost the last. But not only did not curse his wife and friend, but also continued to communicate with them further. As Lyudmila joked once, just Seva always loved BG more than her, so it just moved to the side.

Soon a new cell of society appeared. Together Lyudmila and Boris lived nine years old - from 1980 to 1989. According to the aquarium fans, these were the "golden" years of the group. Lyudmila was engaged in the economy, Boris - music. They had a son Gleb, like two droplets of water similar to beauty mother.

... And then Lyudmila, a happy wife and mother, accidentally found out that her husband had novels on the side. That is how, in a plural. Girlfriends told her that Grebenshchikov was not alone, but even a few connections, and he does not hide them. "I loved my husband very much, and now and now there is a warmth to him, but the dog is foreskin. None of the Baba will not miss any more less. They say some kind of bearded was! In short, everything that moves, then like it. And this is a nature. Maybe he is so ideas for creativity draws? I do not know, "said Lyudmila in one of the interviews.

Upon learning of the existence of rivals, Lyudmila even found out the name of one of them. Irina Titova, the wife of Alexander Titova, Basist and friend Grebenshchikov (later she will become the third wife of the rock musician). A fooling woman did not fight for the family, she filed for a divorce. And having received a stamp on the dissolution of the marriage, fell into depression: there is no husband, there is no work (she never received the formation and all nine years old marriage was only a housewife). There is no sense of life either.

And Lyudmila began to drink. Many, often, thoughtlessly. The apartment has turned into a real annuncial. Even the hostess herself did not know who all these people, whom she found after another drip at different angles.

Friends and loved ones tried to fight for her. Coded, drove to the best doctors. But when Lyudmila finally came to himself, she was still scary. She lost interest in life. Several times she tried to commit suicide. Fortunately, it did not work ...

Grebenshchikov with wife Irina and Joan Stinger

Grebenshchikov with wife Irina and Joan Stinger


Third attempt

Today, Lyudmila regrets that he spent his best years in a drunken ugar. That he did not hold her husband. But most of all - that a little time paid to his son, who was born in marriage with Grebenchikov. After the divorce of the parents, the boy was granted himself. At Mom, he lived only on her rare days from the feed. The rest of the time spent the other or (which happened more often) at the grandmother.

As a result, Gleb Grebenshchikov changed several schools, according to his mother, had problems with drugs and alcohol. And when after receiving the certificate, the question arose where to go, the famous father had to connect all his connections. As a result, Gleb was adopted at the St. Petersburg representative office of the French University College, at the correspondence department. But he really did not seek to learn. But very early married, giving the parents to Alice's granddaughter.

Today, Gleb is famous in the narrow circles of DJ Gebe. To his thirty years, he has not yet been able to achieve a thousandth share of the popularity that his father has. Will it break?

Well, and Boris Grebenshchikov, marrying for the third time, apparently, found that the ideal of a woman who was looking for so long. With Irina, the former wife of his friend, Basist "Aquarium" Alexander Titov, they are together a quarter of a century. Although there are no detractors and try to divorce this pair from time to time, this marriage checking this marriage. Including because, as the surroundings of the musician assures, Irina wisely closed his eyes to her husband's hobbies. And there were a lot of them. At least one of the alleged mistresses of Grebenshchikov is a secular Tusover of Linda Jonnenberg - even released a scandalous book telling about sexual joy with a cult musician. BG there appeared under the name Krasin, and, according to Linda's assurances, she even practiced sex threesome.

This three-way union continued half a year. Later Linda and Boris, according to the girl, they had already met together. Linda also assures that the spouse Irina knew about the existence of rivals. But she took it as a givenness - did not take the form that he did not know about anything, but did not ask any extra questions. However, none of the environments of the BG officially confirmed that the speech in the book really comes to the Grebenchik.


When Boris Borisich married Irina, she had a son from marriage with Titov, Mark. His Grebenchikov adopted and raised as a native. Later, the spouses were born and the common daughter, which was called Vasilisa. Unlike the older children, it has received parents in full.

"I believe that parents did an excellent job: they taught me to see the beauty around themselves and treat people as you want them to treat you. Thanks to this, I am absolutely happy today and I want to make happy other people - I understood recently that this is my goal in life, "says a girl about himself. At first, she also wanted to become an actress - as the eldest sacrament of Alice. And even playing a washcloth in the "West Owning History" in the theater of youth creativity in Anichkov Palace. However, then decided to become a designer. This is her own choice. After graduating from "Muhi", she traveled to the world for three years: she tried to understand what exactly she was interested in life. In Vienna, she taught German and worked as an interior designer assistant. In Paris, the French mastered and worked as a stylist assistant. And returning to Peter - with new knowledge and experience, - helped the well-known English artist-scenery of Isabel Baywoter, which set in the Mariinsky Theater Opera "Faust". In general, Vasilisa's track record, despite the young age, impressive. During the Biennale "Manifesta" she was in the apprentices of Thomas Hirschhorna - built along with other assistants his gigantic ruins. For Wolfgang Tilimans took an interview and made a photo for an art project. As a result, the girl was even invited to one of the metropolitan theaters as an artist-scenograph. Vasilisa offer was delighted and ... without hesitation, he refused him: "I do not want to sit in Moscow. I want to live, as I want, because the life is alone. " It seems that Grebenshchikov grows a worthy shift!

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