Road Style: Luggage Reflects Your Inner World


Good afternoon, dear Womanhit readers!

I am writing this note for you from the shore of the picturesque lake at the outskirts of Stuttgart: around the pacifying beauty of nature and many-chain in different languages ​​of the world.

Any trip necessarily includes the road, fees, waiting at the airport or at the station, and we always surround us completely unlike each other. Someone is in a hurry and fuss, someone is filled with impudent calmness, someone would not hurt to behave tricky and more more ... The most interesting thing is that all this is, including the manifestation of the individual image of everyone. Stressful situations are a wonderful lactium paper that exposes the true essence and tendency of man. Today, let's try to consider the trip through the prism of an extractable image: what items we take with you, what kind of luggage we prefer and what it says about us.

Standard situation: on the luggage tape leisurely "crawl" bags. Nearby is a well-groomed girl, stylishly dressed, with a careless makeup, it seems performed by domestic dignity. And here, he floats: the old felling suitcase, which has already become incomprehensible color, with a torn wheel and a closed with a tape handle. What happens to our impression? The elusive charm of the stranger is fading, it becomes just one of those who want to seem better, higher in the status than it is ... At the same time, we, naturally, can be mistaken on her account: a suitcase, for example, a loved one, the last fire and water, a kind Talisman or inheritance from expensive aunt. But this we will never know, and the image of the girl, alas, will be remembered by unfortunate ...

Another sketch: decently dressed people and their incomprehensible satellites are cellophane packages. In addition, they are terribly rustled with every movement, these, hmm, "handbags" are still decorated, often, inscriptions and logos, discerning in meaning with their current content: "Thank you for the purchase!" From a street tent, packed with sandwiches "on the track", or Furla with flippers and a swimming tube inside ... The picture again collapses: the image of the honorable person does not develop. Rather, the reason arises nervously stunning and tell later to friends.

But what to do if something has something not mostly baggage? There is an eco-friendly, aesthetically attractive way out: Dressing bags. They are already sold decisively everywhere: from large supermarkets to bookstores. They do not rustle, practically do not impenet, withstand a large load, easily erased in the car or hands and are decorated completely differently: from laconic monochrome to models with quotes of classics or abstract prints.

No less important than the kind of luggage, and the way you yourself look, going on the road. No matter how much I want to, but dress on the principle of "so that painting and initial" is not worth it. It will be inappropriate and inconvenient. The trip is always not easy, I want not to be around additional stimuli, even visual. Therefore, it is not worth surprising by random companions with neon paints of mini dresses or a huge hat.

The poor choices will be "disturbing" materials: you may, you will move several times from hot places to cool and vice versa, and your clothes should cope with the thermoregulation function. Prefer natural materials like cotton, with a small admixture of synthetics, which will allow them less revealed.

The color gamut is also worth thinking: let it be low, "natural" colors: they will not hypersulate both your own nervous system and others. Such a palette will configure you on a quiet journey. In addition, as a rule, such colors always look appropriate and noble.

I wish you only pleasant travel and always light road!

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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