Stars - also people: New Year in Kamchatka, alone, without Olivier


10 days left the magical New Year's Eve, and many artists have already decided where and how to celebrate its offensive. With its plans and memories of the bright celebration, they shared with our readers.

Sergey Puskepalis

Sergey Puskepalis

Personal archive actor

Sergey Pustopalis ("On the edge", "How I spent this summer") : "I hope that the new year will be wonderful. I am now heading in Yaroslavl First Russian Theater. F. Volkov, so my whole life is connected with him. So, the holidays, I most likely spend there in the family circle. The Christmas tree is alive alive alive on the street. I feel sorry to chop trees and drag in the apartment. On the table, of course, will be Olivier - this is a tradition. I cook it, however, not me. As for the New Year's holiday, I have already reigned abroad, so I will open our beauties. "

Anna Peskov

Anna Peskov

Press service materials

Anna Peskov ("Pregnancy Test) : "Our main family New Year traditions are to gather on a festive evening for a large table with the whole family, already with kids. Meals for the holiday we ourselves prepare the day December 31. And in the center of the table - necessarily Olivier! Without this salad, I can not imagine a new year! When guests enter the house, I give everyone around the toy, and they hang it on the tree. And it turns out that we dress our winter beauty together.

I also decorate the house not only with garlands, but also change the pillowcases on the lounges in the living room, Stee New Year's tablecloth. Recently made bouquets and wreaths of fir branches with her daughter.

I confess that only once in life, I noted the new year outside the house, when we rushed to the invitation of friends to Vienna. And a few years ago, when we shot the first part of the TV series "Pregnancy Test", this New Year's miracle happened. Shots were detained, I had to pass a ticket from St. Petersburg to Native Chelyabinsk. But when the team was "filmed!", I immediately went to the airline's site and saw that there was one, the last, ticket home. Immediately from the site went to the airport. On the calendar it was December 31, and, imagine, managed to go home to the battle of the Kurats! This year I am with Dima and Nastya, as well as a sister of a husband with her son and a spouse for the city, where we shot a wooden house for three days. We will relax in the present forest, on the banks of the river. I want to show the kids to the expanses of our beautiful country. After a home dinner, I will lay down to sleep, and early in the morning of January 1 will go to the winter walk: play snowballs, sculpt snowmen and enjoy the festive atmosphere. "

Daria Deliannova("Bourgeois Birthday", "Teacher") : "I still only plan, but I don't know exactly how to celebrate. I would like to leave Moscow. Maybe they will open some other boundaries - let's see. Now it just changed everything: no work, and the earnings are special - too. Although I had some shootings after all, performances, just the volume is much smaller. True, I can't say that I die from hunger. "

Alexey Makarov

Alexey Makarov

Gennady Avramenko

Alexey Makarov ("Voroshilovsky shooter", "Smered") : "In the past few years, I have the same thing on New Year's Eve: I am alone, and I walk, I think, I am alone with myself. Because both in the past times - to sit at the table and to simulate potatoes with mayonnaise and to watch TV to five in the morning - I do not find any sense in this.

In general, this is a wonderful lesson in the New Year - to be alone and take a walk, especially if the snow goes. For me, this is mentally the best way to celebrate the New Year. I do not have the Christmas trees. Why hack a live tree for one day? And artificial spruce is no longer a Christmas tree. From the New Year's attributes, I only burn candles, Olivier on the table is not. You see, I can pamper my New Year's dinner every day, I do not make fetish from food. For me, a trip to the restaurant is first of all to eat, and not just a certain way out. Champagne will not be, since I do not drink. I dug myself.

And I would have wished that for the new year all people stopped for a few minutes and thought about what was happening in them, with the world, they would slow down. That would be a cool gift for me. "

Julia Hlynina

Julia Hlynina

Julia Hlynina ("Buy me", "Call Center") : "This year the celebration will take place the same as in previous years: at the cottage with the family under the crunch of snow. On the table we always have Olivier, Mother's French Salad of Own Cooking - I do not know what it consists of, do not ask. Some fat meat, herring under a fur coat, potatoes, salt cucumbers. In general, the traditional Russian table, no sizes. I try myself little, I basically, diet food. In general, in our family it honors this holiday, so we will gladly give each other an infinite number of gifts. Often this is a pleasant household joy, a lot of things, female joys (rubberry, boxes, bows and so on).

We are very much waiting for this day and already dress up a Christmas tree, so that quietly the New Year's mood approached everything closer and closer. We have old Christmas tree toys - still have a mother and grandmother. These are toys that can be attached to the branches: soldiers, squirrels on clothespins. Grandma keeps these toys in the old aquarium, which is laid by cotton. So we will deliver them, consider dust from them and hang on the tree.

Vladimir Mishukov

Vladimir Mishukov

Vladimir Mishukov ("Descriptions") : "I am to January 1 I treat the same as an ordinary new day, like any day. My last new year was funny: I met him with the youngest son. And I turned off the sound of the TV in order not to hear the New Year's congratulations, and my son wanted to the toilet. He was sitting on the toilet, and I just had a side with him, when the arrows came to 12 o'clock in the morning. So I met the new year ... "(laughs.)

Vitaly Gogunsky

Vitaly Gogunsky

Vitaly Gogunsky ("University"): "I will celebrate the New Year with my mother, friends and loved ones. But in Moscow or not, I do not know. Perhaps it will be Sochi, perhaps - Petersburg. Under the battle of the chimes I will make a desire to be peace, it has become less restrictions and more conscious freedom so that we could fly and move freely. "

Actress Ekaterina Rockotova

Actress Ekaterina Rockotova

Press service materials

Ekaterina Rockotova: ("Anatomy of the Murder", "Mata Hari") : "For the new year I will go on a trip to Kamchatka. It was my long-standing dream, but there was always a long flight and a program. This time it all happened: and time, and the company. Therefore, I will spend the holidays very actively, and not before the TV in an embrace with Olivier. In the ski program, geasers and skating on dogs, helicopter walk. And I plan to meet the new year in a huge snowdrift with a glass of champagne and make a desire, looking at the stars. And I will meet the New Year 9 hours earlier than usual.

So I will not put a tree at home: first, it becomes a problem with dogs, if only to secure the ceiling. Well, considering my departure, it makes no sense. Jewelements of festive so many throughout Moscow, which is additionally nothing. But this year, this year is hardly for the first time in life I bought a festive dream dress in advance!

Although it is not so important: it plays a big role, with which mood and in which company to celebrate the New Year. From New Year's traditions, in which I believe, I will burn paper and new shoes so that the year was light and filled with new accomplishments. "

Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimov

Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimov

Ilya Lyubimov ("inadequate people", "classmates") : "We are actively preparing for the New Year with children. I, of course, thinking about what Santa Claus will bring them and how we will hold a New Year holidays; On which rink we will go and whom we will call, to ride a slide, as it happened every winter. We usually ride Lenin Mountains.

Well, what will give the children of Santa Claus, I still do not know: they have not written letters to him and did not put them in the freezer. They have long been asking the dog, but I will refuse them. I had two pets, for me it was a past story, and let them later be their own. So in this new year, Santa Claus will not bring a dog. "

Yana Khorinova

Yana Khorinova

Yana Krainova ("Diary of Dr. Zaitseva") : "I think I will note in Moscow. It will be in a circle of close people in some cozy place. I want it to be aesthetically: I love when it is beautiful and not in bathrobes and domestic pajamas. But in general, I do not build plans, and it is better for me, although I was convinced of the opposite, that I need to control everything.

To make a desire is an indispensable ritual. Always at hand there is a napkin, a pen, which I am writing a desire for the battle of the chimes, without fail. Then I burn, we throw in a glass with champagne, pressing. On last year, I didn't get into that throat, and I almost died. (Smiles.) Well, nothing, everything is fine. Desires, by the way come true. Well, imagine that the whole world at this moment accumulates crazy energy - of course it can not not come true. By the way, the person who has never had a salad of Olivier in his life. I just do not like mayonnaise. "

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