Katya Lel: "In man blooms life when he falls in love with


Singer Katya Lel in the clip on the song "Gamma Beta" is trying to compare human passions with natural phenomena and places a novel with a real macho, as a role - the star of the TV series "traffic lights" Dmitry Miller.

- In September, the clip was released on your song "Let them say" with Alexander Ovechkin in the main male role. Probably fans would like more often to receive new items from you ...

- And for what? To my joy, the song "Let them speak" still in good rotation. This is a very rare phenomenon. It is believed if the song sounds, then she needs to give at this time. The same with "Gamma Beta" occurs. Montage was recently completed, and a beautiful clip appeared. I believe that the work has succeeded and cost such a number of time and discussion. We compared natural phenomena and deep human feelings. Rain, thunderstorm, sunlight, blooming flowers - this is what we feel when we love. Life blooms in man when he falls in love. It seems that the song is light, dance. But Mikhail Gutseriev invested a very deep meaning in the verses. He was able to pass the experience of a woman who changed his beloved man. His, by the way, played a stunning actor Dmitry Miller. Dmitry's hero made treason, but he loves and worries if my heroine could forgive him. This clip proposes to think: what is the main thing in his life, and whether it is worth it in general.

- With the director Evgeny Kuritsyn you work not the first time. Probably, understood each other with a half-sleep?

- Yes, this is our fourth collaboration. My Zhenya and I have been friends for many years, began when there were very young. (Laughs.) But with Dima Miller met only on the set, although I saw it on the screen. This shooting has become his debut.

- It is interesting to watch a person who does something for the first time?

- Sure. (Laughs.) For me, each entry, execution or shooting is always a very exciting process. This is how to enter the child. Every time I am with an insane trepidation waiting for the result. And when you see people who take part in this, and even famous people, - the process is fond of doubly, because you are not alone for everything.

Katya Lel:

In the video "Gamma beta" Katya Lel and Dmitry Miller compare human passions with natural phenomena

- Do you remember your feelings when they first found themselves on the shooting of the clip?

- Fear, excitement and confusion. It was 1998. Clip on the song "Lights". My producer then was Yuri Schmilievich Aisenshpis. By the way, I was filmed in the video as the model Gosh Kutsenko. We recently remembered with him and laughed. Then he was so pretty. How time flies! On the site I was cooled with gold. And at five in the morning, on the embankment, I went with the filming of all such a gold. And passing pastly watched me with horror. I will never forget their views - it was a shock. And then I understood how everything is difficult, how much requires strength and patience.

- Can you call yourself a conservative or love everything new?

- I'm definitely not a conservative, I love change. It would seem that everything was established, you know all the moves, exits, but you can never predict that it will be tomorrow. And I like it very much, although sometimes discourages and puts in a dead end. But they say correctly: movement is life. New doors open, new people appear. I am for change. Let it be difficult and unbearably, but let it be.

- Your daughter graduated from the first class. Probably learned a lot for this year?

- Oh yeah! In 2015, Emilia went to school, and I had a large solo concert, which I was waiting for eleven years. Imagine what was the preparation? What was the scale? And my baby, and the first class. Everything quickly happens. I like that the daughter is growing, stretches to knowledge. And most importantly - she is interested. She, just like me, loves Russian and literature. I was always active, and she pulls her hand in the lessons. She is cheerful. And I see how she lightning up and knows life.

The daughter of singer and Igor Kuznetsova Emilia this year graduated from the first class

The daughter of singer and Igor Kuznetsova Emilia this year graduated from the first class

- How did she graduate from the school year?

- estimates in the first grade do not put, but if you sum up, then I am very pleased. She is trying. She has the same beautiful handwriting, like me, the letters are all beautiful. Fantasy, how everything is genetically transmitted. Good progress in English, which she is engaged individually from three years. She, like me, can make a homework at school in a few minutes. Because she has a head on his shoulders, there is a diligence, there is patience. I tell her: "If you don't learn, no one will respect you. And you yourself will not respect yourself. You need to be a smart and competent person. You must learn this world to rotate easily in it. You should know English to go to any country to go to any country so that you are easy and comfortable. "

- Where is the summer daughter take a rest?

- Of course, at sea. But to fly close - no more than five hours. So we are discussing what options are the best. And in the near future we will plan our vacation.

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