What is preparing a solar eclipse


The main trend of the week will ask the solar eclipse, which will occur on Thursday, February 15, at 23-51 Moscow time. If you look globally, this eclipse is already reflected by the Martov election of the President of the Russian Federation. But for ordinary life it is more important to consider the daily event background. So what awaits us?

1. Houses - Changes in relations with relatives, sudden arrival of relatives, guests, solving real estate issues or with a management company, updating the interior, home trips.

2. At work, problems may arise in the team due to non-standard views and opinions other than others. In such periods of instability, an increased desire arises to leave everything, slamming the door. At the same time, new people carry their best ideas appear in the company. The number of meetings, trips and contacts increases.

3. With friends - unexpected meetings and parties. You can easily meet very old familiar, classmates or former partners.

4. With loved ones - the transition of relationships to a new level, a loved one can surprise you. But, in some cases, relationships can become more free, parting and random relationships are possible.

5. Children can prevent a couple of surprises, you may have to solve their problems in the team, or simply visit meetings, whoms or matinees.

All events will be accompanied by an increased emotional background. Eclipses are always associated with an enlarged accident. Unfortunately, the plane crash is no exception.

This week is better not to start new things. However, if important changes occur, they can be continued in the second half of April 2018.

Everything is a great week and positive changes!

Anna Pierzheva, professional astrologer, https://www.facebook.com/an.pronicheva/,


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