Alexander Shirvindt: "I do not want to transport my biography"


- Alexander Anatolyevich, you recently performed on the lively issue of the Journal "Theater" in the Kinelub "Eldar". Before inviting to the scene, you have long represented the audience, listed the title, rewards, merits. And how do you feel about this that these titles mean for you?

"I remember that once a long time ago, in some Palace of Culture there was a concert, and we were standing behind the arkadium Isaakovichi Raikin, waited for us when we declared. So, the presenter began to list all the merits and regalia of Raikina, and it was so tedious and long that, when Arkady Isaakovich came out, he said: "I said about me so, as if it were not me, and my coffin." Therefore, it is always so difficult when you begin to represent, always experiencing mixed feelings. The main thing is that at the end did not confuse the surname.

- How is this possible? You are the best actor in Russia, your famous creative tandem with Mikhail Derzhaviny is the art of the highest pilot. To achieve such all-union success, which was at your witty miniature, until now, no one succeeds, which is only worth the scene with surrounding surrounding in one of the old "Kinopanoram". And you yourself, when you see these old frames, what are you experiencing?

- I look with moutigation and sadness, because half of the people who laughed at our jokes, long ago are not alive. Of course, wild sarcasm, wit, and this comes from our jokes, but it comes over the years, with skill. As for the "confuse the last name", then for so many years, I probably remembered, but there was a case when I and Podshavini acted in the hospital under Ashgabat, and Misha always mocked me, the subject of his mockery was my surname. After all, his surname is difficult to confuse, and as soon as it was at first not called. So, before the performance, we go to the scene and see a poster on a hospital tent: "Darwin is speaking and shirval!" Now it is also remembered with moutigation.

Alexander Shirvindt and Mikhail Derzhavin. Photo: Alexander Cornestikhenko.

Alexander Shirvindt and Mikhail Derzhavin. Photo: Alexander Cornestikhenko.

- Alexander Anatolyevich, I read with great pleasure to your new book "Busy yards of biographies." I especially touched me letters to your wife, this is something from the field of high art, and I have no doubt that the book will read with interest. But what happened to the idea of ​​writing this book?

- Posted, because it became scary because when it is started to dig in my biography, then everything turns out and will pass, as we usually do.

The wife somehow took out our correspondence with the antlesole, showed, said it was a pity to throw away. I opened the letters, read and said that it was not necessary for anyone. But she told me funny stories, accompanying every letter, by the way, she had a unique memory, she, unlike me, remembers everything in the smallest detail. And thanks to her memories, letters a letter in a literary form.

- Why are letters ended? Have you stopped writing to each other?

- SMS-ki began, and this is another form.

- Alexander Anatolyevich since 2002, are the artistic director of the Moscow Satira Theater. What were the difficulties in the theater then what has changed now?

- The theater problems at all times were and will be huge. Today, sometimes you just have to telete artists to play in the repertoire theater, few people want to work in the theater for meager salary. Does not want to work as a small money. He wants big money, everything immediately.

I have a wild number of students, but no matter how much I have appealed to their conscience: "As you are not ashamed ... You are my student, a student ... Theater is a holy ...". Nothing helps! Because for one shift of advertising gaskets, any actress receives three monthly theatrical salary. And I have to come to terms with this, because the woman actress in all you want. But I can't hit a fist on the table and make the TV shows.

Alexander Shirvindt with his wife at the presentation of the book. Photo:

Alexander Shirvindt with his wife at the presentation of the book. Photo:

- Alexander Anatolyevich, but you yourself refused and practically do not get into the movies. What should be a role to get shirvindt?

- The role should be good. You know, there is such a story, since I am an official and head of the theater, then all my creative activity comes down to return the artists in the theater from the so-called movie. These serials are unbearable, and the artists in them themselves become like soap ... and they simply slip out of the hands.

And if I myself begin to "shust" by TV shows, what will it be? We'll have to hang a barn castle on the theater.

- It can not be that you will not be sent a single serious scenario, and would you not be seduced?

- Send. I start to read - again the series, TV shows. Solid horror and a single decent role. Here is the late Lyuskin Gurchenko made a film, and I could not deny her like a friend. Removed, it seems to be a cute thing. But how to imagine that Shirvindt start running with a gun? I'm already elder, not the tole!

"You have always been a reference to male beauty and enjoyed great love in the audience." What techniques used to charm women?

- Do not pay attention to it. Pretend that you do not notice. I will tell you one story. Once in the summer of the whole acting company we went fishing to Astrakhan. Broke the tents on babe and became fishing, enjoying nature.

At night, a huge toad suddenly rushed into a tent and jumped me on the chest. At first I was wildly frightened, but then it turned out that she hunted the mosquitoes and did not imagine any danger. I loved her gently with my chest and planted nearby, sidewood so a few minutes, she again jumped me on my chest.

By the way, the tent was full of my friends, but she jumped only on me, because I was the most beautiful. In short, fell in love. All week we were with the firm - so I called my "green fan". I removed her, ignored, but she constantly returned to me and demanded attention. So we stayed with her all days.

Thanks to this story, I realized that there is one faithful and most effective way to charm a woman - just not to notice her! Believe me, it always triggers trouble-free.

- And modern women are different from women of your youth, have any fundamental differences?

They do not differ, dressed only better. At the time of my youth, women were slaughter dressed. And so, at all times, women were the same, in the measure of the year ... (laughs.)

- Last question. What should a woman be to like?

- I like women who do not get me ...

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