Male victim: What is not customary to talk about


Homemade violence in most cases is associated with the abuse towards the woman: it seems to us a kind of tyrant who keeps his wife in fear. However, according to statistics, men suffer from manifestation of aggression not less than women, not only in Russia. One of the most famous scandals today, associated with domestic violence towards a man - the case of the divorce of Johnny Depp and Amber Herd. Initially, the girl tried to convince the public in the fact that the former husband repeatedly showed aggression and behaved in relation to it negatively, but in addition to his words, the girl cannot show anything. Nevertheless, the reaction of public organizations did not make himself wait for a long time - Herd was crossed by the "voice of humiliated and offended."

A serious hate wave rose, directed towards the actor, who still supported the entire Hollywood and absolutely all the former girls who, in theory, should have done everything to "pump" to the extension, nevertheless, none of them could believe in charges.

The actor suffered and mentally and physically in this relationship

The actor suffered and mentally and physically in this relationship

Not stuffing inequity to your address, the actor made a shocking statement: "I am a victim of domestic violence" in one of the interviews, subrepressing my words horrifying the photo of the cut finger, as well as all sorts of certificates from doctors who provided medical care. As it turned out, all injured actors received from the former wife: according to eyewitnesses, who gave testimony under the oath, Herd has repeatedly picked, called her husband in humans, to imagine what was happening behind closed doors. The trial is scheduled for February next year, but now, after the terrible truth has revealed, the actor receives support and apologies from people who were previously considered him aggressor.

Johnny Depp filed a lawsuit against the ex-wife, accusing in a public slander and reinforcing his claim with terrible photos with injuries

Johnny Depp filed a lawsuit against the ex-wife, accusing in a public slander and reinforcing his claim with terrible photos with injuries

As can be seen on the example of a pair of Depp-Herd, a man took several years to admit before the whole world in violence in their address from a woman. Why is a strong half hard to talk about it? Let's try to figure out.

The main unit that stands before the victim of the male - "What will people say?" By definition, a man cannot be weaker than women, recognition of violence in this case will talk about its insolvency in the eyes of society and, most importantly, in the eyes of other women. If we take into account the modern fashion for Victimyming, a man is waiting for an endless shame, it is only worth wring up that a woman is capable of suppressing him, even morally, at least physically.

The second danger for a man - a woman suppresses him most often morally. It may be an incredibly spectacular woman who caresses to himself glances, as it was in a pair of Depp and Hurd, but when communicating alone, such women will do everything to destroy the partner's self-esteem, thereby attaching him to themselves and not giving him and chance . The man break the psyche and make themselves to blame themselves and only themselves.

The third problem is peculiar, rather, Russian men, who, at best, pay attention only to physical health, ignoring psychological. We still do not consider depression with a dangerous disease, while she breaks the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, in time not applied to a specialist. For a man, the pressure from his wife or girlfriend is often becoming the norm of life.

Signs of violence from a woman:

- The constant use of offensive phrases and epithets towards a man, imposing an opinion that he is not worthless by himself.

- Comparison with other men.

- Permanent threats, albeit in a comic form, which, in fact, is nothing more than the manifestation of passive aggression.

- depreciation.

- ignoring.

- Public riding, interrupting in the middle of the phrase.

- treason.

- blackmail.

- "Cooling" of own vices on a partner.

Of course, no ratio is impossible without quarrel, but they should not become the norm.

How to do a man who got into the "claws" of a woman Abuzer

First, it is necessary to understand that it is abnormal - you are unlikely to be applied, physical or moral. If you have children, the aggression you get to your address is applied to them. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures: if you don't work, leaving and consult a specialist if you feel that the situation does not let you go.

As a rule, men who create families with female aggressors do it with a look at their childhood: Most likely, a man suffered from violence from the mother. Growing in such an environment, a man in the future is looking for a similar woman to feel the love that he experienced to his mother. Aggression in this case is not considered as negative quality - after all, his favorite mother was the same.

Remember that no moments of joy and reconciliation compensate for the appeal that you are mistaken for love.

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