How to meet the coming new year to spend it worthy


It is known that you will meet the new year, so you will spend it. Therefore, every person wants the New Year to be "at the height" and remember well. But now, during the Pandemic period, in most regions of Russia, certain restrictions will act, including the work of cafes and restaurants. This is a big blow to business and for those who planned to spend New Year holidays in a cafe. However, on the other hand, they can be noted well and familiar with their own family or friends.

2021 - the year of white metal bull. On New Year's Eve, it is best to light all the time celebrating a candle of white or silver color. They need to be installed on wide metal plates, which will reduce the risk of fire. Candles symbolize the onset of the year of the white metal bull.

The most important thing is to show the bull, as the owner of the new year, that you can finely cover the New Year's table. There are two best options. The first option is to buy well delicacies that you can't afford to eat every day. The second option is to bake for the New Year's celebration by anything yourself, and attention to pay those dishes that are difficult to prepare and laboriously. Then bull as an animal hardworking will appreciate your efforts and successes.

Psychic Angelica Vishnevskaya

Psychic Angelica Vishnevskaya

Since the bull is a homemade, it appreciates the home comfort and the homely atmosphere, so it can better that New Year's celebrations in most Russian families this time will still be held at home. Even if you for some circumstances are celebrating the New Year alone, it is better to get ready to prepare in advance - it concerns not only food, but also cleaning the house, choosing clothes. Bull will appreciate your desire for comfort, even if you create it only to yourself alone. If you create a comfort for loved ones and friends, then the favor of the bull will be even bigger.

On the most eve of the new year, you can not do a dirty work, and generally fuss. It is best to get rid of yourself at the time of hassle, and from December 31, just rest.

As for the New Year's table, it should be remembered: exhibiting veal or beef, you hurt the owner of the new year. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the presence of these types of meat at its desk. It is better to do without pork with lamb, but to prepare a bird or fish, pay more attention to salads from vegetables and greens. Bulls - Herbivore animals, why not honor them with the use of a large amount of salads in the New Year holidays?

Now about the color scheme of the new year. It is definitely that the dominant will be white - after all, it is the year that is exactly the white metal bull, as well as the green color as the grass color, without which the bull is difficult to imagine. White and green colors can dominate in the decoration of the festive table, at home, choosing clothes.

If we talk about entertainment, then the first place should be home board games. After all, it is so cute - sit down and play with your home in the lotto, cards, chess or checkers.

The coming New Year will not be simple, although it will not bring such sad events as the year is outgoing. Good luck smile to those who are able to find a positive one who appreciates the home comfort and their loved ones is a strong and mastic owner.

New Year's holidays - a great time for fortune telling: from January 1 and on January 19, a catalytic divination opens. This is a chance to see that on ordinary days we do not see. Those people who are interested in that they will be close in the new year, can make an appointment and will definitely find answers to all their questions.

Happy New Year to you, with the coming year of the white metal bull!

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