Is it possible to fix the shape of the range and nipple


Area called a pigmented skin area around the nipple. This is usually a kind of "circle", but in fact the form is always individual. And it is precisely she often concerns women who turn to a plastic surgeon with a request to change it, make more aesthetic. The diameter of the Area is normal up to 4-5 centimeters, and rarely some of the girls want to increase it, usually ask to reduce.

With any suspender, the Area always reduce, because the cut is made around the arole and it is, respectively, decreases. Theoretically reduce the size of the range without correction of the chest itself, but I do not advise my patients, because the scar remains, that is, a thin white strip, but for many and its presence is critical. Therefore, if the area is less than 4-5 cm in diameter, I do not recommend it to reduce it.

Now about nipples - two main problems are long and wide nipples. It can be reduced in width, but then the girl will not be able to breastfeed, and therefore we usually reduce the length of the nipple. At the base of the nipple, an incision of a width of 3-7 mm is made, and the region of the remaining nipple is laid to the base, which reduces its length. The most important thing is that nipples are suitable for feeding, there is no pain. This, by the way, it is very important that when correction and arole, and there are no painful sensations. The operation is sufficiently lightweight, it can be carried out under local anesthesia. After the operation, the patient spends a couple of hours in the clinic. With a decrease in the arole, the threads are not removed, and they are solved themselves, with a decrease in the nipple, the threads are removed. The shower can be taken in a week, physical exertion can be any, no restrictions.

What is the testimony for surgical intervention? It:

· Asymmetric location of Areol. Asymmetry can be both congenital and acquired (for example, in previous surgical manipulations or age changes).

· Incorrect contour.

· Too flat nipple, not protruding abroad of the Area.

· Excessively thick, tight nipple.

· Neshricons of the fabrics of Areola as a result of injury.

· Stretching as a result of breastfeeding.

As a specialist who has extensive experience in eliminating the defects of Areola, note that such operations have a positive effect not only on the appearance of women's breasts, but also contribute to the improvement of the functioning of the mammary glands. But, before proceeding with plastic, doctors always find out if there are contraindications to her. Under the ban hit:

· Sugar diabetes patients.

· Oncobole.

· Suffering from benign breast tumors.

· "Candles".

· Those whose chronic diseases are currently exacerbated.

· Pregnant and nursing women.

· Juvenile.

Before any operation on the chest, a mammologist is required, which, on the basis of analyzes, ultrasound decides whether to make an operation or it is contraindicated. Without consultation, a specialist operation of this type is not recommended.

Can any complications arise on the way to the beauty of the breast - for example, irritation, suppuration, cracks? Is the sensitivity of nipples? If you did everything correctly, starting with the choice of a competent specialist and a good clinic, then the resulting picture for sure does not disappoint you or your partner.

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